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Heat rose to my cheeks. “How much did you hear?”

His eyes held me in their grip. His stare warmed the blood in my veins sending a flurry of feelings all throughout my body.

“Enough.” He gave me a deadpanned look. “Which then begs the question why your friend Alana hates me so much.”

“She doesn’t hate you.”

“She said she was leading you to the slaughter.” He said with a deadpanned look on his face.

“That’s how Alana jokes.”

“She’s not funny.”

I moved in my chair a little uncomfortable. “I will be sure to let her know that.”

“Moving on,” he cleared his throat. For a split second I caught a little glimmer in Gabriel’s eyes.

Was he enjoying this?

No. I must be imagining things. There is no way that Gabriel liked messing with me. The man was impassive.

“I have something for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. The breath caught in my lungs and I felt the world stand still.

He stood from his chair and walked down the table to where I sat. He placed the ring box in front of me.

“This is your engagement ring. You will wear it from this moment onwards. My team has already begun working on our story. The rumors will start circling and then when we go to the gala next week we will make it official.”

I stared at the little box like there was a ticking time bomb inside of it. There might as well have been. I had known that this was the plan all along but now it all felt real. There was no way of backing out of it.

In the next ten days I was going to be known as the future Mrs. Farrington. I wasn’t ready for this.



Everything was in motion. The rumors have started and I had received multiple calls from numerous news outlets. Adriana had also questioned me the other day.

Adriana:You’re dating someone? **sends article**

Gabriel:Don’t believe everything you hear.

Adriana:So are you?

Gabriel:What I do or don’t do in my life no longer concerns you.

She hadn’t been happy with me after that. But the fact that Adriana was buying into the rumors was a good sign.

Brianna was doing okay. She still refused to wear the ring in the house. But when she went out with Michael she wore it on her finger.

I can’t say that having dinner with her every night was the worst thing in the world. I just liked getting under her skin. She was so easy to mess with. I liked to watch her squirm.

The way pink would color her cheeks every time I flustered her. The way her chest would rise and fall quickly when she felt cornered.

“I can’t believe you.” Dominic said from across the table. “This is crazy. You and I both know it.”

“It was your idea.” I said flatly.

“I was kidding! Do you not get the concept of a joke?”
