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She made a buzzer sound. “Wrong! I’m drunk. There’s a difference.”

This was terrible.

“You stole my money, mom. I had been saving that for a very long time.” The anger I had felt toward her was still there but hearing her like this melted some of it. Regardless of how she messed up she was still my mother. She was suffering from a disease that had her up against the wall.

“I didn’t steal it. I borrowed it. I’m going to pay you back. I just…I just need to get my shit together.” She slurred her words and hiccuped. “Hey! I saw you. In some fancy magazine. You rich rich now.”

I closed my eyes willing more patience to magically fill me. “Where are you mom? Do you need me to come and get you?”

“No.” She said, “but you can send me a little money. I’m running low.”

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. “How did you manage to spend all that money?”

“I didn’t. Some little shit stole it from me.”


“I’m not sending you money. You will only use it to buy more alcohol or drugs.”

“How many times do I have to tell you that I am not an addict! Why do you always have to be a little bitch?” She fired her words at me but they did nothing to my already dented armor. I had heard them many times before during childhood when I took up the position of parenting her. “You think you’re better than me? Well, you’re not! And that little rich boy of yours won’t stick around for long. You think a man of high society wants trailer trash?” She laughed venomously.

“Mom you’re being mean.” My voice came out steady but I had to speak past the large lump in my throat.

“I’m being mean? I carried you for nine months and almost died pushing you out. Do you know what you gave me in return? Nothing! You made my body fat and ugly and your father cheated on me and left me! If you didn’t exist, I would still have my Marcus. He wouldn’t be dead in the dirt because of you!”

The lump grew bigger as her words pierced my heart.

“It should have been you in that car! It should have been you!” She roared. “You know what, fuck you Brianna! You ruined my life!”

The line went dead and I was left there in shock.

Images of that night filtered into my brain. It was a night I wished I could forget. If I had just made different choices that day, then maybe my father would still be alive and not dead.

I quickly walked away from the window and went into my bathroom.

I splashed some cool water on my face trying to calm myself. My body was trembling and my breathing was shaky as I tried to regain composure. This was not how I had imagined things would be when I first woke up this morning.

With the tabloids talking about me and nitpicking every little thing I did, Gabriel avoiding me like the plague, and now my mother. I was exhausted and completely drained. I needed a distraction.

I sent a message to the group chat.

Brianna: Movie night at mine? I’ve had a really shitty day.

Alana: I would love to come over to the lion's den but I have a new client I am working with and need to get these patterns done.

Ava: movie in the sky palace? I’m there. Can I bring Axel?

Brianna: sure. See you at 7.

Axel was Ava’s twin brother and also an old crush of mine.I closed my phone and walked back into my room. I laid down on my bed with my eyes wide open. My mother had been like this for almost a decade now. I was surprised the drugs and alcohol hadn’t managed to kill her yet.

I knew it was a terrible thing to say about my mother, but the woman was cruel when she was drunk or high.

I wondered how much more of the abuse I could take before my hatred for her would finally set in.

Ava and Axel came a little after 7pm. Axel was in town visiting. He was based in Dallas managing his real estate business. The man had come from nothing and turned his life around while becoming one of the fastest growing real estate agents in all of Texas.

Axel shared the same green eyes as his sister but that was where their similarities stopped. While Ava had light brown hair, his was raven black. His features were sharper and more defined, while Ava’s were soft.
