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“Now you can go.”

I rolled my eyes and hopped out of bed but not before he smacked me on my ass. I let out a little shriek and glared at him impishly.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me.” He playfully mocked. “Now go. Michael is getting cranky.”

I tsked him with my finger as I dressed myself just before leaving the room.

I made my way to the nursery to a little red faced Michael. As soon as he saw me his cries quietened.

“Hey there buddy.” I lifted him from his crib. “Are you hungry?”

He rested his little head on my shoulder and let out some toddler gibberish.

“Okay, time for breakfast.”

I walked down the stairs and went to go and prepare his breakfast and begin my day of work. Working as a nanny for Michael didn’t even feel like a job anymore. It felt like something I just did. Like he was a part of my daily routine now.

“Dada.” He clapped his little hands together.

“Dada is getting ready for work. You have me for now buddy.” I smiled down at him then placed him into his highchair in the kitchen. “Can you say Bri?”

I waited for him to copy me but he didn’t even attempt.

“We will work on that one.”

“Good morning Miss Scott.” Delilah greeted me as she came into the kitchen. “And how is little master Michael?”

She walked over to him and started to make little funny faces. Michael rewarded her with a fit of giggles.

“Is Mr Farrington coming down soon?” She turned to me.

“Yeah, he should be down soon.”

“I see you kept him a little preoccupied this morning.” She gave me a knowing smile and I blushed.

It was not a secret that Gabriel and I were hooking up. We didn’t even try to hide it. Delilah had been so gracious and nice about it. I had feared she would have thought I was some kind of gold digger or something.

“I need to make Michael’s breakfast now.” I turned away from her and got busy.

The day had passed by uneventfully. Michael and I spent the day together and we even went to his first swim class. Adriana was meant to take him but she canceled last minute.

I would be lying if I said I was upset that she didn’t show. The woman was like a viper. Especially after the news of mine and Gabriel’s engagement broke. She made it no secret that she hated me.

Her hostility was as potent as a pig farm on a hot day. It was one of the many reasons Gabriel would do the drop off and pick up of Michael.

I had just put Michael down for his nap when I got a text from Ava.

Ava: Bitch! Have you seen what Medusa is saying about you?

Medusa, our code word for Adriana.

Bri: No. What did she do?

Ava: She did an interview with some outlet about you. She was airing your dirty laundry.

** Ava shared a link**

Ava: Like what is this shit?
