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“Brianna.” I was growing impatient.

“Your wife is having an affair with some man named Alister Howard.” The words tumbled out of her mouth so quickly I almost didn’t catch them. Almost.

The room went eerily silent.

Alister Howard. Why did that name sound so familiar?

I stared at my nanny, my brain processing everything. I could hear the blood pushing past my ears.

“And what would lead you to the conclusion that my wife is cheating on me?”

Brianna blinked. “I saw her. To be more precise I saw and heard her. She told me how she loved you but things had not been going well with you two for a while. I debated all night on what I should do. I get that it’s none of my business but I just—”

“You’re right. It’s not any of your business.” That shut her up very quickly. “Why am I to believe a thing you say, Miss Scott?”

Her eyes widened slightly but she answered me quickly. “I have nothing to gain from this. In fact, I’m actually putting my job on the line for this. A job which pays for everything in my life currently. I am simply doing this because of my—”

“Moral code.” I finished for her. “I’m aware. You do understand the gravity of your confession, yes?”

She swallowed looking ever nervous. “Yes. I do. But I feel it is best you know the truth about what your wife is doing. I know first hand what an affair can do to a marriage, especially when children are involved.”

I stared at her. I watched every twitch and breath with deep precision. I was looking for a tell. Something to show me that she was lying. But I found nothing.

She was telling the truth.

“That will be all, Brianna. Thank you.” I needed to think

She nodded and got up from her seat. She looked over me with a look of sympathy that made my skin crawl.

I didn’t need her pity.

“For what it’s worth Mr Farrington, you are a wonderful man and a good father to Michael.” With that she turned on her heels and made her way out of my office.

I leaned back into the thick, expensive leather of my chair. I picked up my phone and dialed Andrew’s number.


“I need you to pull up security footage from my home.”

“For which days sir?”

“The last 24 hours.”

“Yes sir.”

I hung up the phone and waited. Within minutes I had the files in my email.

I hovered my mouse over the attachment file and hesitated. Once I clicked on this, there would be no turning back.

I clicked on it and saw all I needed to see.

I don’t know how many times I watched the two of them but it was enough to have the images burned in my mind.

A poisonous anger seeped from my heart into my bloodstream. It flowed into every vein in my body, slowly consuming me until all I could see was red.

I forwarded the email to my wife and then reached for my phone.

Gabriel: I’ll send the divorce papers after you move out.
