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“Oh but it does, mother. As you will see in the will, grandfather left the house to father until I reached the age of 21. That was when you had me sign those documents that you thought I was too stupid to read through. The documents that put the house back in your name. I knew you were up to something so I had lawyers who weren’t associated with our family business, go over them. The documents you received weren’t the legal documents mother. Instead of me signing the house over to you, I’ve simply been letting you live in it until the time came for me to take it back.” I cleared my throat and took a sip of my whiskey. “I never wanted this house. I have no sentimental attachment to it. And you loved it so I decided to let things continue on as they were. But I wasn’t stupid enough not to know what was rightfully mine. And definitely not stupid enough not to cover all my bases.”

“So what? You’re taking back the house and kicking us out?”

“I’m selling it actually. I have multiple buyers interested in it already. It should be gone by the end of the week.”

“Over my dead body.” My father seethed. “You can’t do this.”

I sipped on the strong whiskey. “Oh but I can. You see you crossed a line when you both decided to mess with Brianna after I asked for you both to leave her alone. Now it’s time for you to pay for what you have done.”

“This is about that girl?” My mother leaned her hands on the table. “When will you stop these trivial games Gabriel. The girl does not belong in our world.”

“And who gets to decide that Melinda?” I used my mother’s first name. “Need I remind you that your father was so corrupt and in over his head he had to basically sell you to grandfather in order to pay off his debt. If anything it’s you who doesn’t deserve to be a Farrington, yet here you are adorned in my grandmother’s pearls.”

Her mouth hung open in shock. “Gabriel!”

“Don’t Gabriel me. You took it too far. I looked into the little pictures that you had taken. I found it odd that you knew exactly when to catch Brianna’s mother in the act. So I found your little private investigator and I got him to tell me everything. You planted those things. The gun, the drugs, the bag of money. Brianna’s mother was a victim of your meddling. You got her access to those drugs. Didn’t you?”

She remained silent.

I slammed my hand on the table, already growing tired of her. “Answer the damn question!”

My mother flinched and her face turned hard. “You were ruining everything. Your father and I had run out of options. You left us no choice. I had to do what I needed to for my family.”

“No, you did what you wanted to do for your own sick and twisted dependency of interfering in other people’s business. The only person I can see in this whole situation who is at fault, is you. You’ve got too much time and money on your hands mother. It’s time you took a long hard look in the mirror. If you’ve both taught me anything, it’s about the kind of person I do NOT want to be. I won’t tolerate any more of this. Brianna is a good person who doesn’t need to be dealing with any more of your bullshit. She is who I’m choosing to spend the rest of my life with and she deserves more than to have her time wasted by you.”

“I am your mother!”

“Then you should have acted like one.” I replied, placing my glass down. “Brianna will be the next Mrs Farrington, whether you like it or not.”

As if on cue, Adriana chose that exact moment to walk into the dinning room. She looked between my parents and me. “What is going on?”

“So glad you could join us.” I leaned back into my chair. “As of this afternoon I successfully won the custody battle. Michael is mine and will no longer be in your care. You will be allowed supervised visitation every other weekend. And I will not be paying you a dime. All financial privileges have been revoked.”

“What?!” She exclaimed. “You can’t do that. My lawyer—”

“It’s already been decided Adriana. Unless of course you want me to release the footage of you meeting with the PI to give him the drugs and the money you used to trap Brianna’s mother? That should be anywhere between 3-5 years in prison I believe.” I stood from my chair, “you always did say orange was your favorite color.”

I then turned to my mother. “As of today your allowance is being cut. You will only receive $5000 a month. If you try to go over this balance you will be frozen out of all accounts. As for you father, you are hereby off the board of directors. And just like mother, your allowance has been cut to $5000 a month. I have found a lovely suburban home for you to move into.”

“You can’t do this.” My father looked at me with wide eyes.

“Oh but I can. I am the head of the Farrington Dynasty and what I say goes. Consider yourselves lucky I’m not cutting you off completely. If you two can stay on your best behaviour then maybe we can talk about an allowance increase. But as for now this is what you get.”

“Now, if you will excuse me I need to go and see my fiancé.”

I walked toward the exit and thankfully my parents didn’t try to stop me. But I did hear the distinct clicking of Adriana’s heels following close behind me.

“You can’t do this Gabriel. We are meant to be together. Not you and that tramp.”

I spun around and stared her down. “Be careful of how you speak about the new Mrs Farrington.”

“What about Michael, he needs his mother.”

I scoffed, “please. I know for a fact that when you have Michael, you don't even care for him. You have a nanny take care of him.”

“That is a lie!”

“I’ve seen the footage of the nanny coming in and out of the building. I know that you're not the one caring for our son. While the nanny is there with him you aren’t even home.”
