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I nearly choked on my macaroni. “Gabriel is not hanging out at brothels, Alana. He’s a freaking billionaire. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have to pay someone to have sex with him. The man is a freaking Greek god.”

I would never admit that to him though. I would rather claw my own eyes out with a rusted spoon.

Gabriel Farrington was a man who had most likely been praised not only for his impressive net worth but also his incredible looks. Over time that made most cocky and condescending, which he certainly was.

I saw the way he would look me up and down, judging my faded jeans and worn out converse. I stuck out like a sore thumb in ‘The Opium’.

“Rich people have weird kinks don’t you know?” Alana explained. “I read somewhere that Dominic Harrison liked things stuck up his bum!”

“And I’m ending this call now.”

“Wait! Okay fine. I’ll stop talking about plugs.” She sighed dramatically. “The reason I was calling was because I wanted to see if you wanted to go to this new art gallery that just opened on Saturday.”

“I can’t, Al. I have to watch Michael. Gabriel will be out of town.”

“You’re kidding. Even on the weekends? You do realize that this man is taking away your life, right?”

I shrugged even though she couldn’t see. “I signed up for this. Besides, I love Michael. He feels like family to me now. I can’t just abandon him when he needs me most.”

She scoffed. “I have to go back to my shift but this conversation is not over, B. You can’t keep living like this. I get you love Michael but he isn’t your baby. He has parents and they need to start stepping up.”

I knew she was right but being Michael’s nanny had become somewhat of a comfort for me. Being his nanny gave me a stability I had rarely felt in my life. I wasn’t ready to let go just yet.

At some point in the night I jolted awake in the rocking chair next to Michael’s crib. I nearly screamed bloody Mary when I saw a tall dark figure leaning over him.

“There is a guest room for a reason, Miss Scott.” Was all he whispered as he gazed down at his son. No hello. No, I'm sorry I am late.

I cleared my throat and sat up a little straighter.

“He has a fever. I wanted to be close in case he needed me.”

“Why didn’t you tell me he was sick? You could have sent me a message.”

“I did.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “In fact, I sent six messages. You didn’t respond to a single one.”

Finally he turned his head to meet my gaze. “I was in some meetings.”

“The entire day?”

He straightened his back and nodded toward the door. “I think we can speak outside. I don’t want to wake him up.”

I followed him out of the nursery and made sure to take the baby monitor with me. We made our way downstairs to the kitchen where Gabriel settled into one of the tall chairs by the island.

“So what’s wrong with my son?” His hazel eyes pierced into my blue ones.

“He was running a fever but I gave him something to help it go down. It finally came down around 9.” I leaned my hip against the island. “Where were you? You said you would be home by 6 today.”

“I told you, I had business to attend to.”

“Was it more important than your son?” I was traveling into dangerous territories here. I was never so upfront with Gabriel. I was pretty sure this was the most we had ever spoken to each other.

His eyebrows furrowed. “Do we have a problem here, Miss Scott?”

I should have just shut up then and there. You were not supposed to bite the hand that feeds you and here I was chomping away at it.

“Yes. You are ruining your chances in this custody battle.”

From the way his jaw locked I knew I hit a nerve. I should have stopped then and there but for some reason my mouth seemed like it had some form of verbal diarrhea.
