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My father ran a tired hand through his gray hair. The great Joshua Farrington, famously known as the corporate titan, feared by many and respected by all. This issue with Adriana threatened his legacy—our legacy.

“Then call off the divorce.”

“I would rather plunge a sword through my own chest. She broke her vow.”

My father rolled his eyes. “So what? Do you think your mother and I had a perfect marriage? We had our issues but we stayed together through them all.”

“You never once dreamed of cheating on mom.” I bit out. “You were loyal to her and she was the same with you. You kept your vows and honored each other. Adriana did not. I take the words of others and mine very seriously.”

“Is your pride truly worth more than the secrets of this family?”

“She doesn’t know anything that could tarnish our name.” I leaned back in my chair. “Besides, I sent a cease and desist yesterday. She won’t be making any more interviews any time soon. Unless of course she wants to face the financial repercussions.”

My father didn’t look happy but my job was not to put a smile on his face. My only two jobs on this earth were to continue to build Farrington Developments and provide for my son. Everyone else could go fuck themsleves. I didn’t care.

The only person’s happiness that mattered to me was Michael’s.

“And what of Michael?”

“What about my son, father?”

“He needs his mother. You can’t just cut her out of his life, Gabriel.”

“I never said I was. She will visit him but Adriana wasn’t even that involved in Michael’s life to begin with. She was more focused on getting her body back after giving birth.”

“She still carried my grandchild for you.” I didn’t understand why he was defending her so hard. “Surely deserves some forgiveness.”

“She will never get forgiveness from me. Yes she is the mother of my child but it ends there. She disrespected me every time she chose to open her legs for that man. She had sex with him in my home. Used my money to rent out hotel rooms for them. I will not forgive her.” I stood from my chair, “it would be nice if you took your son’s side for once, father. I was the one that was wronged yet here you are pointing the finger at me. I’m leaving. Tell mother sorry that I missed her. I will call her later.”

My father didn’t even spare me a second glance. Words like sorry rarely left the lips of Joshua Farrington.

I left my parents' home more annoyed than I had arrived.

Michael played on his play mat in front of me while I worked on my emails. It was Saturday and I had taken time away from my usual schedule to spend time with my son.

It wasn’t because I agreed with Brianna but she had made a point. I needed to learn my son. He was already 15 months old and he grew every single day. I didn’t want to miss out on his important milestones.

My father had been absent for the majority of my childhood. But as soon as I got old enough to work at the company he took me under his wing and began the process of preparing me to be CEO. He was uncompromising, harsh and direct. I don’t even think there was ever a time my father said the words ‘I’m proud of you’. At the time it had hurt but now I didn’t give a shit.

I knew how good I was at my job and so did he. I think it even irked him just how successful I had been in this short space of time since I took over.

Michael babbled to himself while he played with his little rattle.

I would do better for him. I would be there for him in the ways my father wasn’t for me.

I placed my laptop down and made myself comfortable beside him. His hazel eyes connected with mine.

“Sorry you have to go through this buddy.” He grabbed onto my finger and continued to babble. “I promise that I will be present in your life. I will give you the love that I never had.”


I paused. I waited for him to say it again.

“Dada.” He squealed.

A wide smile crept onto my face. I picked up my son and cradled him to my chest. “That’s right buddy. I’m your dada.”

“Dada.” He said it again.
