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Because I’ve heard rumors…

Potts owes me, and I’ve decided it’s time to collect.

Will this meeting involve guns?

Just asking so I can prepare Finn.

That part is the truth. Finn will lose his shit if there’s a shootout in our newly renovated brothel.

If Potts is smart, he’ll give me what he wants.

And that is?

A bride.

Well, damn.

We have a deal.

Wolfe is in room 1313 at Hôtel de Lumière. I’ll leave a key for you at the front desk.

Thank you.

He doesn’t reply, which doesn’t surprise me. Like I said, the Di Bello Family thinks they’re above everyone.

Folding the newspaper, I stand.

“As much as I was looking forward to showing you our toy room, angel, we have business to attend to. You have free roam of the house, just don’t try anything. Got it.”

She nods, looking mildly insulted. “Yeah, I got it.”

To my brothers, I say, “We leave in ten.”



Why do I get the feeling I’ve been blown off? All three guys finish their food and hurry from the room. It must be important because Finn doesn’t even bother to rinse out his dishes. The door slams exactly ten minutes later, and they make their way to the garage, where they leave in a dark SUV. Their Thursday car.

Sighing, I clean the dishes, putting them away. Now what? Atticus said I had free roam of the house, but does he mean it? Guess there’s only one way to find out. I go to the main door and find it locked. That jerk! I can’t leave even if I wanted to! Ugh! The windows don’t open, either.

Glaring at one of the security cameras, I say, “This is a terrible idea, you jerks. What if there’s a fire?”

I get the feeling they’ve thought of this, or, at least, I hope they have. Sighing, I decide that if I’m going to be stuck in here, then I’m going to look around. I’ve already been through their bedrooms, but I wonder if there’s a basement. Most houses in Chicago have them, so why would this one be and different? My cheeks are warm. And maybe I can go to the garage before they get back and take a peek at their sex dungeon. You know, so I don’t look like an idiot when and if they take me there.

I wander around the first floor, opening every door I find. There are a lot of closets in this place. But I finally luck out and find a door that leads to a stairway. Turning on the light, I creep down the stairs, you know, just in case something jumps out. When I reach the landing, I look around. Who are these guys? Because there’s an arcade, a pool, and I think even go-carts. Things normal people can’t afford.

I’m not sure what to do first, so I undress and walk down the steps into the pool buck naked. Of course, the water is heated and feels amazing on my achy shoulder. Floating on my back, I close my eyes. This is heaven. I’m not sure how long I stay in the water. Long enough that my hands are pruney and I’m not even sorry about it.

Finally, I swim to the stairs, only to realize I’m not alone. Finn stands above me with a frown on his face, holding a towel. I’m naked, so there’s not going to be a discreet way to do this. Screw it. Holding my head high, I walk up the steps and take the towel from him.

“Thank you.”

“Next time, wear a swimsuit.” He jabs his thumb over his shoulder. “There’s plenty to choose from in the pool house.”

“You don’t have to be rude. How was I to know there’s a freaking pool house in your basement?”

He eyes me as I go to my clothes, scooping them into my arms. I ought to give him a show, but I’m too mad.
