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“From Wolfe?” Oliver asks.


Not like anyone else out in the world is looking for me. I don’t even get spam calls for extended car warranties. How do those jerks even know I don’t have a car? For all the know, I could and mightwanta warranty.

Oliver says, “I love it when you do that.”

“Do what?”

“Get that faraway look in your eyes, like you’re a million miles away. Our mom used to do that when she was reading. She could tune us out if the book was good enough.”

“I used to do that, back when I enjoyed reading.”

Finn makes a sound. “You don’t like reading?”

“I mean, I guess. I just don’t have time for it. Plus, a lot of the libraries think I’m only there for the free coffee and kick me out.”

I mean, they were only partly right. The coffee was nice, but I was there for the books, too.

Finn asks, “What kind of books do you like?”

“Romance mostly.”

Atticus snorts. “That’s right.Fifty Shades of Grey, right?”

“Yeah. And others. Ever hear of Katherine L. Evans? Well, she’ll tear your heart out and make you cry a million tears.”

“Why on earth would you want to read something that makes you cry?”

I sigh, remembering the last book I was able to read of hers. “Because the characters always get a happily ever after, and it’s the kind of love that stays with you, you know?”

Finn hums. “Might have to look into her books.”

“You should.”

Oliver says, “You just made his day. Finn’s secret obsession is romance novels.”

Finn doesn’t deny it, which makes me grin.

“I think it’s sexy when a man reads.”

Oliver sits a bit straighter. “I read.”

Finn says, “Magazines and comic books don’t count.”

“I disagree,” I counter. “Reading is reading. As long as it brings you joy.”

That seems to pacify everyone.

We arrive at a multi-story building that blends in with others along the street. Finn parks in a reserved spot on the side of the building next to a door. So this is where they spend their nights.

Oliver uses his thumbprint to unlock the door and holds it open so we can enter. I follow Atticus, unsure of what I’m about to find. The space is large and spans several stories. There are small tables that face a large stage with a pole in the center. I’ve always wanted to get on a pole. Wonder if they’d let me?

There’s a circular bar in the middle of the room that’s spotless. Definitely Finn’s area.

“What’s upstairs?”

Oliver answers, “The private rooms for the girls.”
