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“Oh, this is going to be good. While you’re being mad at him, are you still planning on going to the party? We had this dress ordered just for tonight.”

Midas is throwing a party for his new bride, whom no one has seen or met yet. I’ve heard the guys talking. There’s something juicy going on there, and I plan to find out all the details before they do. I frown. That means getting to Neverland before they do. That place is a constant source of information. But the club is closed because everyone will be at the party, so I can at least have some fun before I try to beat the guys.

“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Oliver asks.

I smile innocently. “Nothing.”

After I shower, I slip into the black gown. It’s covered in black and dark blue rhinestones that catch the light when I move. I leave my hair down, curling it. My make-up is simple except for my smoky eyes. I want the guys to eat their hearts out tonight.

When I step into the bedroom, I come to a stop. Finn and Oliver wait, dressed in matching dark blue suits.

“Holy cow. You two are so getting laid tonight.”

“What about me?” Atticus asks from the doorway.

He, too, is dressed in a dark blue suit and looks equally handsome. I hum in the back of my throat rather than answer him.

“I’ve come bearing a gift.” He opens the box in his hand.

“You don’t play fair.”

It’s their mother’s earrings.

Oliver says, “To be fair, it was my idea. I always loved the earrings best.”

“Then I’ll wear them.”

I should tell Atticus that I’m not really mad, but it’s kind of fun watching him walk around like a lost puppy. Besides, I’mnotloud in the mornings! And, even if I am, he doesn’t mind when we’re having sex. And another thing—why did he assume I want to have sex with other people? Doesn’t he know I only want three cocks, and they live with me? I glare, working myself up.

Finn says, “We should go. I don’t want to get caught in the media frenzy.”

That’s something else I’ve had to get used to. While I didn’t know who the Behr brothers were, everyone else in the city does. Everywhere we go, people call out their names or want a photo. The newspaper even snapped a photo of me with the guys with the caption ‘Goldilocks for the three Behrs?’. It made me snort.

Midas’ party is being held in one of his buildings on the other side of town from us. It takes a while to get there, mostly because it seems like the entire city is trying to get to the party. When we get in the valet line, people call out our names. Someone even says how pretty I look. I give them a wave as I take Oliver’s arm.

When reach the top floor, and I feel like I’ve been transported. The theme is fairytale romance, and every inch of this space matches the theme. I could look around for hours and find something new to look at. Oliver was right when he said this was the place to be. I can’t believe I’m actually here.

Atticus tries to get my attention, but I turn my back on him.

Finn grins. “Give him hell. He deserves it.”

“I mean what I said. If he thinks I’m going to sit at home while the three of you have all the fun at the club, then he has another thing coming. Starting with sleeping on the couch.”

Oliver says, “Don’t take it out on us. We support you working at the club. If you want to dance on the pole, dance on the pole. Just as long as you remember who you’re coming home to at the end of the night.”

That makes me smile for several reasons. While I don’t want to have sex with other men, I have mentioned that I think learning how to strip might be fun. Then, if I get into medical school, I can be one of those cliché stories of the girl stripping her way to pay her bills. I thought it was a great idea. Atticus did not, and then he had to insult me by saying I was loud. Jerk.

“Of course I know who I’m going home with.”

“Good.” He presses a kiss to my lips. “And I’m sure Gretel will love showing you some more moves.”

I shake my head, laughing. Only Oliver would think I’d want his ex to teach me dance moves, but who knows? Stranger things have happened. We move around the party, mingling with people. I’m not good with names, so I make a little game by giving people nicknames. Mrs. Evil Queen in the fur coat might be my favorite. She looks like she could give the Wicked Witch of the West a run for her money.

Finn’s face lights up when he sees a group making their way toward us. “Hook. Didn’t know you were going to be here.”

The man, Hook, smiles, pulling the beautiful woman at his side close. “Had to show off my beautiful wife.”

The woman blushes and says to me, “Hello. I’m Amelia Hook.”
