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His mother shook her head. Clearly, she had given her speech some thought, and she would not be swayed.

“You must let go of your insecurities over your appearance,” she said. “You are a wealthy duke with your father’s good reputation when it comes to your dukedom and your business ventures. And it is that very dukedom of which you must think. Bearing an heir to inherit the fortune and title when you pass is crucial.”

Val clenched his jaw, but he did not persist with his argument. He knew that his mother was right. If he did not produce an heir, the family name and title would die when he did. He had already had such a close call with the accident. He needed to think harder about settling down.

Still, he was aware of how thetonwould reject him if he publicly sought a wife. Lady Jocelyn had proven to him that no woman would love him. He could never expect any woman who knew nothing about him to overlook his scars and be attracted to him enough to bear his children. What could he do about marrying, when there was no one who would ever accept him as a husband?

“I should not have thrown that on you the moment you arrived,” his mother said quickly, giving him a sheepish smile. “Let us talk about other things.”

Val sighed with relief. He knew they would speak of it again, but he was glad to forget it for the moment.

“Thank you,” he said. “How have you been?”

His mother’s eyes lit up, instantly melting his displeasure at the topic of marriage.

“I have been very excited as of late,” she said. “I invited the Earl of Dervinshire and his family to join us for dinner tomorrow evening. I wanted to do something special, yet small, to celebrate your return home. I really would appreciate it if you would attend, darling.”

Immediately, Val remembered why he had been so reluctant to return home. He hated social gatherings even more than he hated the idea of forcing his hideous visage on beautiful young women. But his mother looked so hopeful, and clearly it was something she looked forward to greatly. Perhaps, if it were an event hosted in his home, people would be less willing to insult him.

“Very well,” he said with great reluctance. “I will attend.”

With his mother pacified, he excused himself to his old bedchambers to rest and get settled back into his home. She happily obliged, rushing off to see to the dinner preparations, leaving him in relative peace. The moment he laid on his bed, he was asleep and back in the world where he remembered every detail of his accident.


Later that day, Val made another trip. This one was much shorter, and it was one that pleased him a great deal. He jumped out of the carriage when it stopped in front of a stately townhouse, rushing to knock on the door. When the master of the house answered, Val grinned more widely than he had in years.

“Val, you old cad,” Mr. Henry Gatrall, youngest son of the Earl of Gatton, said, pulling him into a fierce hug. “It sure is damn good to see you back.”

Val laughed as his friend pulled him into his home.

“Likewise, my friend,” he said.

Henry led him to the parlor, hurrying to fetch a bottle of brandy and glasses. Val gladly partook, sitting on the sofa beside his friend while Henry poured the drinks.

“Come,” Henry said, raising his glass high in the air. “Toast with me to friendship and to your safe return to London.”

Val nodded and complied.

“I will definitely drink to that,” he said.
