Page 50 of A Mean Season

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“What did he say when he asked you?”

“He said he needed a gun because some guys were picking on him. I felt bad for him. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t say things like that. But I did feel bad for him.”

“Tell us about buying the gun.”

“It was forty bucks.”

“Where did you buy it?”

“I drove to Compton and bought it in a park.”

“And why did you go to Compton?”

“Larry wanted a gun that couldn’t be traced.”

“And this was how long before the murder?”

“Couple weeks.”

There it was, twice. I skipped down to the cross examination to see if Larry’s attorney did anything with that. The defense attorney asked:

“You testified that you bought the gun in a park in Compton. Why did you go there?”

“To buy a gun.”

“Yes, but how did you know to go to Compton?”

“I guess I heard a rumor.”

“The person you bought the gun from, what did he look like?”

“He was, I guess, about twenty, skinny—”


“Um, yes, black.”

“So, you went to a black neighborhood to buy an illegal gun.”


“Do you remember the young man’s name?”

“He didn’t tell me.”

“Not even a first name?”


“Did the police take you back to the park to look for him?”


“Can you tell us exactly where the park is?”

“It’s in Compton.”

“Where in Compton?”
