Page 13 of Give Me a Reason

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He chuckles against my ear, my hair moving with his lips when he murmurs, “Just let go for once, Liv. Live up to your nickname and live a little. Let the stick drop out of your ass and let loose.”

I’ve danced a few times before, mainly with my dad and sometimes with my brother or the other guys when we’ve been to weddings or when spontaneous dance parties break out in the hotel rooms after shows. But this music is nothing like what is played then, and frankly, I have no idea how to dance to it.

Vincent’s hands run down my sides, and a flash of very unexpected, very unwelcome warmth races through me.

What the hell is he—

“Like this,” he murmurs, those long fingers flexing on my hips as he starts moving them for me.

Oh. That’s what he’s doing.

Closing my eyes, I decide to give it a try, telling myself it’s all in the name of protecting my cover, but deep down, I know it’s about more than that. I want to do what he said and let loose for once, so with my eyes still closed, I let the music wash over me. Guide me.

My body starts moving with it, slowly at first. I’m just swaying and trying to get my limbs used to doing whatever the beat demands they do. It feels weird to have my hands just hanging limply by my sides, so I raise them higher, not quite all the way into the air but just high enough that they have some freedom of movement as my shoulders start swaying with my hips.

I’m vaguely aware of Vincent releasing his grip on me and then his heat disappearing from my chest, but I don’t question it or even open my eyes. It’s starting to feel nice moving like this. The heavy beat of the music ensnares me, taking hold of the very flow of the blood in my veins as my heart starts pumping to the rhythm.

Slowly, I feel myself getting used to it, and a smile tugs at the corners of my lips.This is actually really fun.

As I get into it, I fight against my inhibitions, and finally, I manage to convince myself that no one cares what I’m doing anyway. They’re all here doing their own thing, and Vincent has probably left to go back to his girls.

My arms lift higher, and when my hands reach my hair, I push my fingers into it with my hips still rolling as my upper body moves with them. It feels so good that I ultimately have the confidence to open my eyes again.

When I do, the first thing I see is Vincent.So he didn’t leave after all.

Instead, he’s standing about a foot away, his lips parted as he dances along with me, but he seems pissed off about something. His gaze seems to have been nailed to me, hooded eyes raking up and down.

“Fuck,” he mutters, and then he closes the distance between us. It’s only for a few beats, but he winds his arms around me again and holds me close, his hot breath ghosting over the skin of my neck and shoulders as he dips his head low.

Abruptly, just as I’m getting used to the way it feels to have his hard, warm body moving with mine, he lets go of me and takes a big step back. His features drop into a scowl. Then he reaches for my hand and marches off the dance floor with me in tow.

“Where are we going?” I protest, pulling back on him when I stop and refuse to keep walking. “I thought we were dancing.”

“Enough is enough,” he barks at me over his shoulder, releasing my hand and fixing me in his angry gaze. “We’re going home. This is ridiculous. I never should’ve brought you here.”

As if that’s enough of an explanation, he starts toward the main doors without looking back at me but clearly expecting me to follow. Although I don’t want to, I do it anyway. If he’s leaving, my mission for the night has been accomplished.

Vincent is going back to the hotel at a reasonable hour, he’s not hammered, and the only person he’s bringing home with him is me. Sweet success invades my chest and my heart skips with the joy of it, but I can’t deny that I’m disappointed about having to go just as I was starting to have fun.

It figures, though. This is Vincent I’m dealing with after all. He likely wants to leave precisely because I was starting to have fun.

Note to self: From now on, pretend to be enjoying myself right from the get-go, and I’ll be in bed early every time.



Maxim yawns and rubs his eyes before he leans back in his chair, stretching his arms out above his head. “Okay, I think that’s it for today. We’ll do the photoshoot with the band tomorrow, but you can start promoting the new snaps by a local photographer. I’ll also get them to sign some of the merchandise we’ve got lying around so you can start teasing the online contests whenever you want. If you need me to help you think of things we can have people do for them, just let me know. We’ll need to get started on it ASAP, though.”

“Everything needs to happen ASAP these days,” I grumble, sighing when my phone chimes with another DM. It’s been days since I checked my messages, and I’ve been working so much that I didn’t realize I’ve been letting that part of my duties slip through the cracks.


“What is that?” Maxim asks, frowning at my pocket. “You do realize your phone has been making that sound for hours, right? If it’s important, you should check it.”

“It’s just my messages,” I say. “I’ve been getting a lot more of them now that we’re in Europe. It’s been a while since the band has been here, so the fans are really eager to find out when they’ll be out and about, where they’ll be going, and if they’re going to have meet-and-greets.”

He scoots forward. “Show me. I love seeing the reactions the fans have to them even after all these years. It’s comforting, ya know? Lets us all know that Full Moon is still a force to be reckoned with even with so many younger, fresher acts out there.”
