Page 35 of Give Me a Reason

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On instinct, I press my chest deeper into his, moaning at the friction of the robe on my nipples with his hard, broad chest pushing it back from the other side. Something twitches against my lower belly when I make the sound, and in my state, it takes me a second to realize it was his… penis. Which, now that my attention has been drawn toward it, feels freaking huge and like someone shoved a boulder down the front of his pants.

It makes me suck in a shuddering breath, need the likes of which I’ve never felt before cascading over me in waves that make me shiver. Unlike what has happened in the books I’ve read, he doesn’t ask me if I’m cold. He seems to know exactly what it’s about, and he responds on a low groan.

“Yeah, I know. Let’s go.”

Before I can ask where to, he starts walking us toward the bed without ever breaking the kiss. We tumble down on the mattress with him on top of me, and I know I should probably tell him right about now, but I can’t seem to convince myself to stop long enough to get the words out.

I’ve really never felt anything like this before. My entire body is heavy and needy, throbbing and so extremely sensitive. Just the weight of his body on top of me, even if he is bracing most of it on his elbows, is making me pant.

So this is what really making out is.It’s no wonder Maxim and Emma spent so much time holed up in his room after she first came on tour with us. Although, I know they were doing more than just making out, but if it was anything like this, I don’t think I’d ever leave the bedroom again. Not with how I’m feeling right now anyway.

Vincent seems just as into it as I am, his hips rocking into me softly and his hands finally starting to move. He’s moved his lower body so it’s more on the bed than on me, giving himself the freedom of movement to run his palm over my torso but over my robe. It’s fallen open a little, but he’s careful to stay on top of it.

Almost like he already knows what I haven’t told him yet.

When he grazes his fingers over my nipple, it’s like a bolt of lightning hits me. I cry out, squirming as my hips buck because it feels like he just touched methereinstead of his hand being on my breast.

“Jesus, Olivia,” he groans. “Are you always this responsive? Why does it feel like you’re about to come?”

I’m properly panting now, but since he really needs to know, I force myself to focus on his questions. “I wouldn’t know if I’m always this responsive. I haven’t… I’m not… I’m close, but I’m not… quite there.”

A soft growl escapes him, and he buries his face in my neck, deep breaths feathering over my skin as he fights for control so obviously that even I know what he’s doing. “What do you mean you wouldn’t know?”

“I, uh, I’ve never done this before.”

He pulls back then, but it’s more of a whole-body jerk that causes his head to lift and his gaze to snap to mine. “What?”

“We should probably slow down.” I lift my trembling hand to touch his face when his eyes fall shut. “Hey, look at me. Look at me, Vincent.”

When he blinks his eyes open, there’s total disbelief in them. “I suspected you’re a virgin, but how have you not done this before? We haven’t even really done anything yet. We need to stop, though. If you haven’t done… Fuck, Liv. We need to stop.”

“No,” I say quickly, fixing my gaze on his and hoping he can see how much I mean it. “We don’t have to stop. I have done some stuff, obviously, but it was a long time ago, and it didn’t go very far. No one has ever… touched me under my clothes or even directly on anything over my clothes.”

“I can’t believe that.” He buries his face in the crook of my neck again, letting out a long groan before he chuckles. “Actually, that’s not true. I can believe it. I’m just surprised that you’re… this innocent. I mean, I knew you were… are not very experienced, but this…”

He trails off and blows out another breath. “Can you give me five minutes? I need to go have a really cold shower. Then we can get those refills.”

“No,” I repeat quickly, putting both my arms around him and stroking his back as he keeps sucking in deep breaths. “I don’t want to stop.”

“You don’t?” I feel him frowning against my throat. “Why not? You don’t want your first time doing anything to be with me.”

“If you think about it, you’re the perfect person to have my first time doing anything with.” It’s still hard to think straight, but it’s getting easier now that we’re not kissing anymore and his body has stilled. “We’ve had our differences, sure, but things have changed between us. Plus, you’re pretty experienced, so at least I know you’ll make me, uh, you know.”

My entire body flushes when I realize I’ve just admitted to him that no one has made me come before. He jerks again when he realizes it, but I push past the embarrassment before he can tell me that he’s definitely stopping now.

“It’s okay if you’re not into it anymore now that you know, but for what it’s worth, I really do want to carry on. I don’t know if I’m ready to—”

“I’m not going to fuck you,” he grumbles before he lifts his head again and looks into my eyes. “It’s not that I’m not into it. It’s the opposite, actually. And you can bet your ass that I’m going to make you come if you’ll let me, but at some point, we’re going to have to talk about how or why no one ever has. If you’re sure you want to carry on, you’re going to have to tell me if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

He blows out a deep breath, but his eyes are like glowing aquamarine gemstones on mine. “I don’t know where your boundaries are, Liv. I don’t really know how to do this if you’ve never been touched before.”

I lift my mouth to his and kiss him softly, my fingertips caressing his face as I try to figure out what I’m okay with. “Let’s just see how it goes, and I’ll stop you if I feel uncomfortable.”

He nods slowly, groaning again as he puts his hand on my thigh—over my robe—and runs his fingers over the material. “Yeah. Okay. I promise that I will make you come, but I’m not going to actually touch you tonight. You good with that?”

“Why?” I ask, my hips straining up of their own accord as he keeps running his hand up and down my thigh. “I want you to, if it makes any difference.”

“Sure you do.” He chuckles again, but it’s humorless. “You’re horny, and you’ve been drinking. It was only one glass of wine, but for you… Well, it’s enough. If we’re going to do this, it’s not going to be while I’m wondering if you’d have let me touch you if you weren’t so horny or tipsy.”
