Page 48 of Give Me a Reason

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“No, it’s not,” he says, voice sounding strained. “Come for me, my angel. Let me feel you come all over my hand.”

At his words, sensation meets pleasure, and I can’t fight it anymore. My body is spiraling out of control, chasing the release I know he’ll see me through as he keeps whispering words of encouragement.

“That’s it, Liv.”

“Vincent!” I gasp his name as my entire being is reduced to intense pleasure.

I’m not sure how long it takes before I become aware of the kisses he’s planting on my neck, my jaw, my collarbones. When he lifts his head and meets my eyes, his gaze is filled with concern and a need so raw it’s almost unbearable for me to see him look so… tortured.

“Are you okay?”

I barely manage a nod, realizing that his breathing is almost as erratic as mine. Quick and harsh huffs of air that make me almost certain that getting me off has turned him on really badly. The orgasm is still reverberating through my body as he raises himself, his body hovering over mine as he rests his weight on his elbows.

The towel has come loose, but it’s still covering him. I haven’t even seen him today, never mind touched him, which is completely unacceptable.

“So, uh, I know that I’ve never actually done it before, but don’t we need to get rid of your towel to be able to have sex?” I ask breathlessly.

Vincent starts kissing his way down my body again, not answering me until he looks up at me from my chest. “We can’t get rid of the towel just yet, but we will.”

“Why not yet?”

He arches a brow at me. “Once it comes off, there’s no way I’m going to be able to stop myself from getting inside you as fast as I possibly can. My self-control is pretty damn good, but it’s dangerously close to snapping, Livvy.”

“So let it snap,” I say without any hesitation. “I want you inside me immediately, so why wait?”

Vincent sucks one of my nipples into his mouth and twirls his tongue around the sensitive bud. Another moan slips out of me, and my back arches, nearly coming off the bed as I try to keep his mouth on me even though he’s starting to lift his head.

“You need to be patient with me for just a little while longer, my angel. I love you, and I really don’t want to hurt you later, but you’re obscenely tight. We need to do this right, and that means making sure you’re a little more relaxed before we get to the main event.”

He grins, but there’s sweat dotting his brow, and the restraint is obvious in his muscles. It doesn’t take much to realize he’s holding back, trying to give me the best first time he can. The only problem I have with that is I’m already aching to feel him inside me. I’m still coming off the most incredible orgasm of my life, but I don’t think anything other than him inside me is going to satiate my need right now.

“I’m not that tight.” I try to reason with him. “I’ll be fine. There’s nothing obscene about it.”

He groans but flashes me a strained smirk. “Leave it to you to want to argue about semantics right now. I can’t think about anything other than making you come again and finally getting inside you, so replace that word with any other one you like, but I need to taste you now.”

Without waiting for a response, he brings his mouth back to my breast, but it’s not long before he starts moving farther down. My breath hitches when he’s finally kneeling between my thighs, looking at my pussy like he’s just discovered the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

“I love you, but I love your pussy too. I’m going to spend some time down here getting to know her better, so you can get comfortable. I won’t be coming up for air anytime soon.”

Stars explode behind my eyelids when he licks a line from bottom to top, starting at my entrance and ending by putting his lips over my clit. White-hot heat the likes of which I’ve never felt starts spreading from my center as he keeps going. I’ve heard that some women don’t like being gone down on, but I think I’ve just found the thing I’m going to be obsessed with from now on. It’s just so fucking good.

Much too soon, the stars morph into fireworks, and I swear I can hear the chorus of angels singing as I hurtle over that edge again. Vincent holds my hips to anchor me to the bed, and I don’t just gasp or moan this time. I have to grab the pillow from underneath my head because I need to scream into it. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I’m still with it enough to know that if I don’t somehow muffle my scream, someone will hear it and come barging in here.

It takes me much longer this time before my breathing starts evening out again, and when I finally manage to pry my eyes open, I find him watching me closely. Smiling when he sees me looking at him, he crawls back up my body to give me a deep kiss, and even though I taste my own bitter sweetness on his lips, I’m strangely okay with it.

That was so good that I’d be okay with anything having to do with it. He’s a fucking genius at it.

Suddenly, he chuckles. “It’s good to know you liked it so much. I can keep going if you want me to. God, I think I might want to live between your legs for the rest of my life.”

“I said that out loud?” I practically squeak. “I didn’t mean to.”

He kisses me again. “You should tell me all your thoughts out loud. It helps. Besides, I’m never going to mind being called a fucking genius, especially not at that.”

As he sits up, the towel finally slides all the way off, and he moves from the bed slowly enough to give me time to appreciate his body. I mean, I’ve seen it before, but this feels different. His cock is as long and thick as I remember it being, but it looks a little angry right now. The piercing glints at the tip, and a shudder passes through me as I try to imagine what it’s going to feel like inside my body.

When he walks his perfect ass over to his wallet lying on the coffee table, it finally occurs to me that that thing has to fit inside me somehow. I have no idea how, and I want it to, but it’s… big.

He tilts his head slightly as he walks back to the bed. “So do you want to me keep going?”
