Page 7 of Give Me a Reason

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I’ve never even wondered what’s been hiding underneath all those layers. Never even thought about it. But now, suddenly, as I’m looking at her, all I want to do is strip her out of that dress to see what she looks like naked. I want to see those eyes clouding over with lust or screwed shut as she comes.

When her brows pinch together as she catches me staring at her, I mentally shove away the unwelcome fantasies.This is Olivia, for God’s sake. I do not fantasize about Olivia. Ever. I just need to get laid. If even she’s turning me on, then it’s obviously been way too long.

Tuning back in to the conversation going on around me, I realize I’m not the only one who notices how different she looks, but I sure as fuck seem to be the only one affected by it. The others are complimenting and teasing her just like they always do.

So why am I the only one on my way to getting hard over Olivia of all fucking people?

“Look at you, all grown up and shit,” James teases, letting out a low, playful whistle as he puts his hands together and claps for her despite the fact that he’s still holding his beer. “I didn’t even know you owned clothes like that, Liv. You look good, though. The guys of London aren’t going to know what hit them.”

My stomach flips at his comment about British guys noticing her tonight. I mean, he’s not wrong, but fuck, I really don’t like the thought. She may be my least favorite member of the gang, but she’s still part of our gang.I wonder what she’ll do if I order her back to her room to change…

But here’s the thing. I don’t even really need to wonder. I already know she’ll just tell me to get fucked and then probably pull the dress down a little lower to show off even more of her cleavage just to get back at me.

“Yeah, Livvy!” Adrian cheers, waggling his brows at her. “You’re going to get some tonight for sure. You look hot, girl. Earlier when you said you would bring it, I didn’t know if I believed you, but you brought it. Well done. Now, can we have a ceremonial burning of your old clothes? You should never wear any of that shit again. I’ll take you shopping tomorrow for more stuff like this.”

That same weirdly possessive urge I felt when James mentioned the English guys rears up in me again, and I scoff. Not at her but at it. Unfortunately, the noise brings all their attention to me, and suddenly, I’m the one in the spotlight.

Since there’s no way I’m admitting they’re right about her looking good, I make a show of looking her over and will my dick not to get any harder than it already is. Then I shrug. “Yeah, you’ll do. I don’t know about ‘bringing it,’ but at least you don’t look like a girl scout. Can we go now?”

A healthy dose of incredulity stares back at me from every face, but I don’t acknowledge it. The only person I even make eye contact with is her. “So can we go, or do you still need to go powder your nose or something?”

“It’s all powdered,” she says sweetly even though daggers are flying at me from her eyes. “I was eight and a half minutes late, Vincent. Let’s not pretend I made you wait for hours and now your whole night is ruined.”

“My night was ruined as soon as you decided to come out with us,” I retort, but my voice lacks its usual fire. While she’s still her and I still don’t like her, it seems easier to tolerate her when she isn’t looking all holier-than-thou and staring at me down her nose.

If anything, the only person bad Olivia seems to be staring at down her nose is herself. Judging from the way she keeps fidgeting with the hem of her dress and tugging at her neckline, blanching slightly whenever she looks down, she’s not entirely comfortable in that getup.

Somehow the thought makes me feel a little better. Not because she’s uncomfortable, which I usually enjoy a little more than this, but because it means I’m not the only one feeling a little out of sorts on account of this change of hers. Olivia and I rarely have anything in common, but tonight, at least we’ve got that.

“We should leave,” Adrian says overly brightly while rolling his eyes at me and then focusing on her. “He didn’t mean it, Liv. Nobody’s night is ruined. He’s just grumpy because he hasn’t fucked anyone today.”

“Yet,” I add indignantly even though he’s got it all wrong. Maybe. “I haven’t fucked anyone todayyet. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner I can work on remedying that problem.”

Her eyes widen as she looks at me like she’s trying to see into my head or perhaps even my soul. “Is that really your idea of a problem, that you haven’t gotten off today?”

“Who said I didn’t get off?” I raise an eyebrow, smirking at the shocked expression on her face. “All we said was that I haven’t fucked anyone today. That doesn’t mean I haven’t gotten off.”

She sputters, but her brother jumps in to save her. Draining the last of his beer, he sets the bottle down with a louder-than-necessary thud and rolls his eyes at me, something he doesn’t do very often. “Knock it off, Vince. You can’t talk to Olivia about that stuff.”

“What, sex?”Funny. If I’m not allowed to talk to her about it, I probably—no, definitely—shouldn’t be thinking about having it with her.He’s still smaller than me for now, but I wouldn’t put it past him to try to punch me in the defense of her honor regardless.

He nods, going over and putting his arm around his sister’s shoulders, tucking her into him like she’s some fragile flower as he guides her to the door and glances back at me. “It makes Livvy uncomfortable when we talk about it. Let’s just go.”

“That’s what I’ve been saying. Let’s go.” I follow them out, discreetly checking out the way her ass sways slightly when she walks. I’ve never noticed that about her before, but it’s possible it’s just because I’ve never looked.

James catches up to me as we head out of the hotel, keeping his voice down as the others march on ahead. “I know you’re not thrilled about her coming out with us, but you’ll help us look after her, right? Olivia’s not very experienced. She’ll probably accept a drink from anyone and just think they’re being nice, and she might get lost if we get separated after she’s had a few.”

“If she can’t handle it, she shouldn’t drink. Better yet, she shouldn’t have come out with us. I don’t even know why she would want to. She’s never been interested before.”

He frowns softly before he gives me a shrug. “Who knows? Maybe she’s just looking to expand her horizons. If you weren’t so hard on her, you’d know she’s a pretty cool person. She’s cautious, but she’s not afraid. She probably just wants to see what she’s been missing out on but in the safest way possible, which is with us.”

“Yeah. Maybe. It’s still weird, though.”

Reaching out, he pats my shoulder and grins. “It’s not weird. It’s just the way Olivia operates. Give her a chance.”

“Give me a reason,” I shoot back. “I really don’t see why I should give her a chance. She’s been nothing but a pain in my ass for the longest time.”

“Because you’ve been a pain in hers,” he points out just as the others turn to wait for me to lead the way to the pub.
