Page 79 of Give Me a Reason

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Besides, this shouldn’t take too long. It’s mostly just desks, tables, chairs, and some electronic equipment coming in today. We’ve got a kitchen, but we already bought a coffeemaker and some mugs. It was literally the first thing we moved in here—our state-of-the-art coffeemaker. Our fridge and stuff are only coming tomorrow, but that’s fine. At least our offices will look and be semi-functional before we leave tonight.

After Maxim directs some of the delivery people in the right direction, he turns to me. “How’s Olivia?”

“She’s okay.” I sigh, my lips pressing into a thin line. “Actually, I don’t know if she is. She’s still queasy, but she refuses to go to a doctor. She just keeps saying that she’ll get over the bug soon.”

His eyes narrow. “It’s been almost two weeks since she and Emma had lunch. I know she thought it was the fish, but you don’t think…”

Trailing off, he blows out a breath and touches his stomach. “Okay, I’m just going to come out and say it. She’s not pregnant, is she?”

“No.” I scoff. “We used a condom every time until she went on the pill, and she had her period not that long ago.”

“Condoms and the pill can both fail,” he points out. “You’re sure? Has she done a test?”

“No, but it’s not that. I just really need to get her to a doctor. I know it can take some time to get over stomach bugs, but this is just ridiculous.”

More furniture arrives, but Maxim gives me a look before going over to sign for it. “Stop on your way home and pick up a test. Just do it, okay? At least you’ll know for sure that way.”

As he walks away, my own stomach goes cold, but I doubt it’s because I’ve suddenly caught the bug I’ve somehow managed to evade for the last two weeks. The fact of the matter is that he isn’t wrong. Although it’s unlikely, Olivia could be pregnant. It sure as fuck would explain her symptoms.

We were all tired by the end of the tour, but she really struggled to get out of bed those last few days. She still is. She’s been randomly nauseous for two weeks now, and she’s been complaining about her boobs and feeling bloated. There are other explanations for all of those things, which is why I haven’t seriously considered it before, even if I would be lying if I said it hasn’t crossed my mind.

Throwing myself into the move instead of thinking too much about it, I don’t stop until every piece of furniture is unpacked, assembled, and in its proper place. While Maxim deals with the rest of our deliveries, I start setting up our computers and other electronics, but Olivia is never far from my mind.

Right now, her symptoms aren’t comforting.Fuck, what if she really is pregnant?

I’m the only guy she’s ever slept with, which means that I would undeniably be the father.Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Sure, I’ve grown up a lot lately. I’ve changed, and I’m committed to sticking to it. I’ve taken major strides, and even as all of this is playing through my mind, I’m making more. Before the end of the day, I’ll have a real office of my own, paid for with some of my own money, for the first time ever. I’m going to see a band tonight whose marketing I may be starting with before the end of the week.

It’s Maxim’s bachelor party on Friday, and I’ve worked damn hard on it. My life is very different from what it was before we left on tour, but I’m definitely not ready to be a father.

Bringing a kid into the world is a whole hell of a lot more next-level adulting than I’m ready to take on right now. Yet…Fuck. Motherfucking fuck.

No, wait. If this is true, then I wouldbethe motherfucking fuck. Shit.It can’t be true, can it?

“You look like you’re spiraling,” Maxim says worriedly as I toss back my third shot of tequila less than ten minutes after we walked into the club where we’re watching the act. “Is it because of what I said earlier?”

“Yes,” I admit curtly. “I don’t want to talk about it, though. Let’s just drink and watch this band, shall we?”

“If you think I could be right, you really should just pick up those tests and go home,” he counters. “I can watch these guys by myself. I’m the one who’s going to be managing them anyway. We said we’d make the decisions together for now, but I don’t mind taking this one by myself. If I’m in doubt, I can always send you a video clip.”

I shake my head. “We’re already here, and I need to drink. Even if it’s not true, it could be, and I need to come to terms with that.”

“What are you going to do?” he asks. “Stop having sex? I don’t see that happening. Look, you said you’ve been safe and using protection, so you’re probably right and she’s probably not, but for as long as you’re having sex, pregnancy is a possibility. Why does it look like you’ve never considered it before? Why do you think we were all so worried about you before?”

“It’s not—” I cut myself off and rub the back of my neck, squeezing the tight muscles there as I try to formulate a response that accurately captures just how badly I’m freaking out right now. “It’s not that I haven’t thought about it or that I didn’t understand what everyone was so worried about. I fucking know that pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex, but I’ve been religious about protection, even with Olivia. Hell, maybe even especially with her. I’ve just… I’ve never actually thought someone I slept with might be pregnant before. Have you?”

He shrugs. “Emma and I have had one or two scares. We’re still using protection, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if it happened. My point, however, is that my head has been where yours is right now. You’re asking yourself if you’re ready to be a father, right?”

When I nod, he shrugs again. “No one in the history of the world ever has answered yes to that question when it comes unexpectedly. At least, I don’t think they have. Frankly, I think even if you’ve been trying and it finally happens, you’re probably still not sure if you’re really ready. Don’t get too caught up in it. Even if she is, you’ve got nine months to get ready.”

“You’re not helping,” I mumble, wrapping my knuckles on the bar top and signaling the dude behind it for another shot. “Can we please just stop talking about it? The band’s about to start. It wouldn’t be fair to them to miss their performance just because I’m hyperventilating.”

When the bartender puts my shot down, Maxim takes it before I can. Tossing it back, he sets the empty glass down and pulls me away from the bar. “You’re right, but it wouldn’t be fair to them if you watched them wasted either. Let’s go. I’ve got a table waiting for us at the front.”

“Fine, but I’m getting a drink for the show,” I reply, following him after he releases my arm. Taking a deep breath, I try to focus on the guys we’re here to see. “This is one of the bands you found on YouTube, right?”

“Yeah, and they don’t know we’re here. I want to see them play without the added pressure of knowing we’re in the audience. I reached out, and they don’t have a manager at all yet, but they said they’d be interested in management if we thought they have what it takes, so that’s what we’re here to find out.”
