Page 88 of Give Me a Reason

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“Twins?” Olivia whispers, still completely frozen.

I can’t feel my extremities either, but my hand moves of its own accord as it searches for hers. When I find it, she grabs it and clings to it like it’s the only thing keeping her anchored right now. I know how she feels.

The doctor nods. “Yep. Identical twins. Contrary to popular belief, it’s only fraternal twins that generally run in families. Identical twins don’t have much to do with whether you’ve got them in your family or not. Anyway, I’d say you’re about eleven weeks along, and they’re both growing beautifully. It’s too early to say if we’re looking at girls or boys, but we should be able to see by the next time you visit.”

Blood rushes to my ears, and I honestly don’t hear anything he says after that. Olivia isn’t only pregnant. She’s almost through her first trimester, and we’re having twins. That means two. Two babies. Two of my babies are in there, apparently growing beautifully.What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?

Also, what the fuck do I do if they’re girls? The youngest girl I’ve held was fifteen, and I was only sixteen at the damn time.

By the time I tune back in, the machine is buzzing with some pictures of the blobs and the doctor is telling us he’s about to show us their heartbeats. Olivia’s still holding my hand in a vise grip, and her eyes are wider than I’ve ever seen them before.

“Okay,” he says. “If you want to get out your phones to make a recording of this, now is the time.”

Without even having to think about it, I slide my phone out of my back pocket with my free hand and start a new video. When I nod at the doc, he turns up the volume on his machine, and as the sound fills the room, my world drops out from underneath me.

He’s also still holding the wand thing on her stomach, and for the first time, I can actually make something out. I can see a hand—a tiny little hand with tiny little fingers doing this thing where it looks like he or she is actually waving at me. And at the same time, I hear the rhythm of a strong, steady heart beating over the machine. When the doctor moves the wand on Olivia’s belly, it all happens all over again.

There are absolutely no words to describe this moment. No words to describe the warmth that suddenly invades my chest cavity or the way it feels like my heart is either expanding or exploding. I’m not quite sure which one it is yet. All I know is that my entire world is tilting a little more on its axis with every beat of those hearts, and I already know that nothing will ever be the same again.

Eventually, the sound stops, and the doc leaves us again for Olivia to get changed. She doesn’t say anything, but if she’s feeling the same way I am right now, I’m not surprised. I’m not sure what to say either.

We’re ushered back into the doctor’s office when she’s dressed, and he talks to us a bit about what to expect, telling us to call him anytime if we have questions. I’m sure we will, but right now, neither of us can think of anything.

After saying goodbye when he walks us back to his receptionist, he waves, and we make a follow-up appointment. Then it’s over. We’re leaving his office armed with a recording of the moment everything changed and some pictures of our babies.

“That was intense, huh?” I finally manage to say once we’re back outside on the sidewalk.

Olivia takes a seat on the same wall I was waiting on earlier, nodding as she blinks rapidly.

“Yeah.” She clears her throat, and although she’s not looking at me, I don’t think it’s because she can’t look at me right now. I think she’s just in shock. Like me. “I, uh, I told my mom I’d come see them this morning. She asked me again on Saturday if I was okay. I told her I would be and that I’d pop in after my doctor’s appointment. They still think I’m just sick, and now I have to go tell them that I’m pregnant. With twins. How the hell am I supposed to do that?”

“I’ll come with you,” I offer. “If you want me to.”

“I do,” she says after a beat. “My dad really might kill you this time, though. Especially once he finds out we’re not even living together right now.”

I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but… “That’s okay. I can handle him, but I’m moving back in today, Liv. After that, I can’t not be there with you.”

“No,” she says immediately, finally swinging her gaze toward mine. “I’m sorry, Vincent. I’d appreciate your support when I tell my parents and I’ll be there when you tell yours if you want me to, but if you move back into the apartment today, I’m going to go stay with my parents.”

“Why? Were you not in there? Jesus, Livvy. I know nothing has changed, but at the same time, everything has. Do you not feel that way? Because I do. I can’t just stay with Maxim while you… I just can’t leave you alone right now. I can still give you your space. I don’t have to sleep in our bed. I just need to sleep there. In the apartment with you.”

“You won’t be leaving me alone. Isabella is still staying with me, and we’ll be fine. Just… give me a few more days. I need to be angry with you for at least a few more days, and if you’re there… I’ll start thinking everything is going to be okay. I just can’t do that right now.”

I stare back at her, taking in everything from those big blue eyes glistening with tears to her blond hair piled into a messy bun on top of her head, and then I nod. “Fine, if that’s really what you need, I can give you a few more days. But no more than that. A few days. I’m back by the weekend at the latest.”

She sighs. “Don’t try to go all alpha on me now, Vincent. I’m willing to talk to you about it by the weekend, but that’s it.”

“We’ll see,” I say, and she nods.

“Fine, we’ll see.” She gets up from the wall slowly like she’s also still in the same almost trancelike state I am. “We need to go see some people about some babies. Heaven help us both because I’m pretty sure hell is about to rain down on us.”



Olivia wasn’t wrong when she guessed that all hell was about to rain down on us three days ago. Our parents were… Well, to say they were not impressed is the understatement of the year.

They’re okay with the babies. In fact, I don’t think any of them were terribly surprised to learn about that. Although, they did seem surprised by the twins aspect of it all, so there’s that. But no, our moms are even already excited about the babies. Our dads are going to need some more time to get used to the idea that they’re going to become grandfathers, but that aside, I’m solidly in the doghouse with everyone. It’s me they’re really not impressed with.
