Page 5 of Santa Tried

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“But I’m also Santa.”

“That pompous asshole can eat a bag of dicks. I’ve never liked him.”

“Yeah, you’ve never made that a secret.”

I look down at him and grin. “What can I say? I’m honest to a fault.”

“And irresistible.” His tongue begins to tease through my seam, but he pauses long enough to say, “I will still have to discipline you as well. It’s my responsibility as Santa.”

“I will respond very differently to discipline from Santa versus Big Nick. You might want to keep that in mind.”

“There’s no difference. I am both those guys.”

“But one gets a sour, surly brat and the other gets a sweet, playful brat.”

“Because there are two sides to you, too.”

“You could remedy that. I don’t have to keep being Calista, the petulant toymaker.”

“You’ve never been a toymaker. You’re a toy menace at best.”

“So, relieve me of the task.”

“I cannot do that. You will continue to work in the shop and I’ll continue to be your taskmaster and spank you in my office every day.”

“Daily spankings in your office will never make a bit of difference in my behavior.”

“But nightly fucking in my cottage just might.”

“We’ll see.” I shrug, and then languidly pull my golden hair up and let it cascade back down over my shoulders, rolling my head from side to side to showcase my utter lack of concern. “Eat your snack before I take it away.”

He pulls me onto his mouth, growls against my pussy, and rakes his teeth over my tenderest flesh. His fingers roughly claim my nipples.

I may never get to quit the toyshop, but I’ll be the happiest woman in all the North Pole for the rest of my days. And why shouldn’t I be?

Any ordinary elf can make a decent toy. But it takes a legendary brat to coax Santa to the naughty side.

Soon, I will share in hushed tones the spiciest toyshop talk ever boasted in The Frosted Pole—but only to the hottest barmaid in all the land, Astrid. Afterhours, while she goes down where Big Nick has gone before her.

Maybe we’ll tell him someday. Maybe she and I will make him our third. Maybe he and I will make her our third. Or maybe I’ll cuck them both like a true brat queen. Time will tell.

But for now, I bid you all a good fucking night!
