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“Stay.” One word is all he says before he opens the bottom of the cart, then takes out a tray before settling it over my legs. He pushes the cart close to the bed then removes two of the covers. One concealed a plate of a quiche—one of my favorite foods. How did he know that?

There is a large bowl of fruit and beneath the other cover is a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries. He removes the last cover to a Belgian waffle covered in strawberries and whip cream. “The quiche is pancetta, spinach, and goat cheese. What looks best to you? The fruit is a requirement.”

“I can’t pick, everything looks so good. I guess the quiche.” Although I can’t take my eyes off the waffle.

Milos takes the plate and sets it on the tray, then cuts half the waffle and puts it on a smaller plate before also setting it on the tray. His smile is enticing. “You have been a day without food,kotyonok.”

“Thank you,” I murmur as I cut into the waffle.

“Eat the fruit too.” It’s an order.

I sigh then take a forkful of the fruit.

“Good girl.” The words are soft, I don’t understand why they send a wave of pleasure through me.

Blushing, I continue eating. The quiche is perfect. It wasn’t until I moved in with Sergei I discovered how good they were. Sergei was all about easy protein— “Oh no, Sergei—he’s my roommate. I have to call him and let him know I’m okay.”

“He has been informed,” Milos states calmly. “Yesterday, he called your phone. Speaking of, your phone was damaged. I have a new one for you. Do not worry, I have set it up with the previous sim card.” He offers me a new phone from his inner pocket.

It’s as shiny and expensive as the old one. I don’t even bother arguing. “Thank you.” I accept the phone. “For everything, I don’t—”

He shakes his head. “There is no need for thanks. I’m glad you called me. If you had called anyone else they might not have been able to find you. I could not have…” His sigh is from the depths of his lungs. “I am glad you called me.”

He sounds so sad, I don’t even realize I’m doing it until my hand is in his. Immediately, I’m embarrassed and try to tug free of his hold. Milos doesn’t let go, bringing it up to his mouth pressing a soft kiss to the back of my hand. I can’t hide the shiver it causes to run through me.

“As much as I do not want to leave you, I must. There is something I need to see to.” He says the words against the back of my hand, not taking my hand away, almost as if he couldn’t bear to.

I have no idea how I know. “It’s Keith, isn’t it?”

His eyes say yes. But Milos shakes his head, laying my hand at my side. “I will be back as soon as I can. If you need me, call me.”

Even though I don’t like him lying to me, I’m not willing to call him a liar. Instead, I nod.

“Eat all your fruit. If you need anything, pain pills, something else to eat or drink, the button beside your bed will call a maid for you.” He gestures to an intercom beside the headboard.

“Okay,” I mumble as I study the food on my tray.

“You are safe here, there are guards all over my property. They are to keep you safe. No one is allowed to touch you, but please do not roam and cause them to worry they might need to go against my orders. As they are allowed to touch you, if it is for your safety.”

The moment the door is closed behind him, all I want to do is call him back. I don’t want to be alone…that isn’t it, I want him with me.

Once I’m done, although I only drunk half my glass of water and half my glass of orange juice, the need to pee comes on strong and fast. Removing the tray from over my legs, I set it on the other side of the big bed. I pull back the covers to find I’m wearing a long white silk nightgown. A blush comes over me as I realize I’m not wearing a bra or panties.

Carefully, I scoot to the edge of the big bed. Damn, it’s much farther down then I thought it was. I roll onto my stomach, and inch down to the floor.

I let go of the bed too soon and land on my ass with a thump. Ouch. Suddenly, a man is standing above me with his gun drawn. I cower with my hands above me.

He jams his gun into his holster, then calls out in Russian to someone named Magda. A woman in plain blue scrubs appears. “You should have called for me. I am here to help you.”

Her hands are gentle yet strong as she pulls me up from the floor. An arm goes around my waist as she helps me to the bathroom. Holy crap, the bathroom is the nicest one I’ve ever been in. It’s all white marble and porcelain and gleaming silver. Once I’m in front of the toilet I’m relieved I can stand on my own. Except Magda doesn’t step away.

“I’m good. I can do it from here,” I assure her.

A frown appears. “I stay to protect you from falling.”

“I can do it. Please,” I plead.

She purses her mouth. “I am right outside.”
