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“You’ll marry her fast and hide her behind the gates.” It’s an order from Vasily.

“Yes, brother,” I assure him. After losing his wife and their unborn daughter less than two years into their marriage, he’s never forgiven himself for not taking greater care to protect her. The reason why no one but Vasily has married in our family was due to Vasily’s loss. The fear of being the cause of a woman’s death weighed on us all. However, now that we’ll be fending off Grigori, along with the concern of the Feds taking a closer look at us because we have the same last name—it is my belief we’ll all become the model of boring and marry, very soon.

Once Vasily ends the call on his side, he’ll inform Maxim and Damien they need to select a bride within the month. Vasily has selected two daughters within the Italian mafia, a senator’s daughter, and a daughter of a Fortune 500 company we held a major stake in. Any one of the women would bring us greater power and standing in Philadelphia. I had asked Vasily if he could consider a marriage himself. His immediate refusal was not one I pressed. He loved his wife deeply and even now, almost sixteen years later, he held on to the pain of her death.

I return my attention to Nikita. “It’s another reason why I’m pushing for a quick marriage. Carlo will think it’s for children. Dom is the only one who knows the real reason. But he also believes it’s for locking the marriage agreement so I have support of the Outfit if we have to go to battle with Grigori and his sons.”

Nikita slams his glass on my desk. “If you had told me from the beginning I would not have bitched so much. It’s as Father said anyway: marriage is one thing, pleasure is another. I’ll marry her and bed her. Then I’ll find my mistress.”

I shrug. “As long as you are discreet.”

Aleksander nods.

“Discretion is key in all things,” Vasily agrees.

“Then it’s settled. You’ll stop bitching?” I ask as I stand. I don’t give a shit if I’ll be early, I can’t stand another minute of this discussion.

“Go on, settle the price of your bride.” Nikita nods.

Meeting Aleksander’s eyes, we agree. He’ll settle Nikita further and give him the complete plan for Grigori and his two sons.

Outside, Peter is waiting. He proceeds me to scout the area before opening the door for me.

“You have her new car and driver waiting.” It’s not a question.

Peter nods. “For now it will be Gleb and me as you commanded, with Pavel taking my place. I will say again, I do not like not being at your side.”

“If there is going to be an action against us it will not be directed at me, it will be at what I hold dear, which will be Celia. Even though I have spoken loudly that she is a convenience—a means to an end—if anyone thinks otherwise they will not hesitate to hurt her. Or better yet show I cannot protect what is mine. While I appreciate your thoughts, she is more important to me. Aleksander has already promised no matter what, if something happens to me she is protected within our family. I ask you to make the same promise.”

His sigh is loud. “She will not make anything easy.”

I cannot help chuckling. No, my Celia has never made anything easy.

Our eyes meet in the visor mirror. He nods. “I will protect her with my life the same as I would you.”

“Thank you, my friend.” Calm settles within me at his promise. I should be walking away from Celia. Putting as much space between us as possible for her safety, yet I cannot.

Four years and three months—one thousand five hundred and forty-seven days I have known Celia would be mine. I cannot, will not go another day leaving her in any doubt she is mine. With her graduation four days ago and her return to Chicago two days ago, it was more than I could stand.

I immediately went to Dominic Sabatini, who then brought me to his father Tony Sabatini to discuss my request to solidify my relationship with the Outfit. Dominic wanted to check with his father to see what he thought about my request and how Carlo would react. Dom was aware Carlo was more likely to be honest with Tony on Carlo’s feeling of me.

I am grateful neither man saw through my remark I would take either daughter, I was not picky. As I knew someone would, Luca was there for a visit and remarked Celia was the better pick over the selective mutism of her younger sister.

Tony believed Carlo would welcome the opportunity to link our families and deepen our tie. His one warning was be prepared to pay for the girl. We discussed what Carlo might ask for and what I was truly prepared to give up. Never letting on I would give my whole fucking kingdom for Celia. They decided what I was willing to trade would be more than fair, and to of course start low.

Closing my eyes, I exhale slowly working to calm myself. I cannot let Carlo know. There will have to be something left over to support my family, and if I appeared weak in any way, he would never accept anything less than all he wanted.

My hand goes up to the tattoo over my heart simply thinking of her. I am grateful Dominic Sabatini will be there to prevent me from killing Carlo. Even now I shudder at our meeting yesterday. The man was a vulture. He caught the scent the minute I sat down across from him. Letting him know I had heard he had two daughters and it was time I took a wife. I hoped it would be one of his daughters.

The man had actually rubbed his palms together with glee. As Dom and I discussed, I let him lead the conversation from there. I’d shared with Dom I would rather have the woman who would speak to me. Dom told me Carlo wouldn’t even put the younger daughter on the table with her “unique” personality. And Carlo hadn’t disappointed. He’d neglected to be honest about how much Celia loved cats, expounding on her beauty and her recent degree. She was intelligent, and while she had not lived with Carlo she knew our world, what was expected of her and she would come to heel.

All I could think was how little he knew his daughter. As Tony warned, Carlo jumped in requesting far more than he should have. I held him off with the truth of his request being too extensive. I would need to discuss it with my brothers. Then left him waiting for me to speak with Celia to confirm her acceptance.

I needed to hear her say it for herself. Before last year there would have been no doubt in my mind. Yet after the way I fucked up, then dug myself in even deeper by using Anna Kovalenko for the last few five months, Celia had stopped all thought of me. For the first time, listening to the recordings of my video surveillance of her didn’t soothe me. She never mentioned me again to her sister or my man, not even in the quiet of her room when she was all alone. Only a few times when she had nightmares did she whimper my name—but it didn’t count to me.

I was sure I would have to grovel and beg to get to her again. Until I received the invitation to her graduation. Then I knew she had not truly forgotten me. She never would—the same way I could not forget her. As badly as I fucked up, while Celia might not have forgiven me, she hadn’t and wouldn’t break our link.

Drawing up in front of Carlo’s home, I am glad to see I am only five minutes early. Too early might have tipped my hand.
