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“No problem.” He ends the call.

My phone rings again. “Yes?”

“She gets off tonight at eight. The fucking place is going to leave her alone at the end of the day, the receptionist laughed at how it takes hours to close down. How everyone will abandon ship but Celia will be left alone and get it all done herself,” Peter bites out.

“That is not acceptable. Have Pavel pick you up and leave someone to sit and watch her,” I order.

“Done. We managed to hack into the camera system of the clinic—it was too fucking easy. Their security is shit. We’re watching her now.”

“Excellent. There are things I need to do today; however, I will see her home from work at the end of it.” Shit, I need to get ready for a meeting now. “I have to get to the meeting with Templeton and Hodge. I’ll take Gleb with me, I want you there before it is over.”

“I will be.”



That nightshe fought me all over again, forcing me to pick her up and put her in my vehicle—and I was thankful for it. Until the brat opened her mouth.

“Fuck you.” She throws the words at me.

The words are a match to my control. I hadn’t touched her nearly enough. That crazy electricity every time I did unnerved me too much. Now that I understand the electricity is the response of our bodies recognizing our other half and needing to fuse together, to become one, I embrace the feeling. I have no doubt she feels it to.

Besides, she needs to be aware I am the one in charge. Pressing her deeper into the seat, I put her seat belt on, enjoying the feel of her beneath me. Christ my cock is screaming for her. She’s panting, mouth open, her breath washing over me. Catching hints of sugar and coffee, I give in to need and grasp her chin, running my thumb over those lips the way I long to do with my tongue.

Fucking hell, I catch the scent of her cunt, hot and wet—for me. I hadn’t smelled her when she was in my arms. With a curse I push away from her before I take her. Yes, I could have her—she might not want to, but she does want me. No, I want hours, days to feast on her body, not in the back of a car with my men in the front seat.

What the fuck did she say? Fuck that, it takes everything in me not to put her over my knee this fucking second. Until I remember her saying Carlo said horrible shit about her attractiveness. Celia is not thin; however, she is not what I would call fat.

I would never call a woman fat, the word is ugly and women are not ugly. Even when they are not attractive in a traditional sense, no woman should feel anything but the gift they are to man. The American concept of beauty is bullshit. No, I’ve never encountered a woman whose body was as soft Celia’s against mine, and all I can think is more the fool I am.

Reaching into my inner pocket, I give her the cloned phone. I can finally admit the reason why I grabbed a cloned phone. I want to be able to see her every phone call, and text on another phone. I want to know everything that is Celia. It is not enough to find out her favorite color or food; I want to know what makes her smile, her fears and dreams, what she wants from life.

Earlier today she walked into her home head up and shoulders back. Tonight she flees as if the devil himself is after her, and she has no idea how right she is. Only there is no escaping me.

Valdez already has the eyes and ears I ordered on her. His people had seen a window and not wanted to lose it. The cameras and listening equipment were limited to the living room and kitchen. I’d wanted them in her bedroom as well, but Valdez said the girl should have her privacy.

I had not argued. I will have my own men put in more cameras in the coming week; for now it was enough.

Over the nextweek I quickly became addicted to watching and listening to Celia. She was fascinating, intriguing, and beautiful in both nature and appearance. Her relationship with her sister was sweet to see, reminding me of my own with my younger brothers. Celia cared deeply for her sister and that kitten. Once again I grew jealous of all the affection she gave it, the way she carried it around and slept with it, cuddling it every waking moment. How the hell had my life become me jealous of a kitten?

Celia really was like the kitten I called her. It wasn’t her soft and cuddly appearance that disappeared into hissing and showing claws when angered. It was how careful she was around people. She was careful who she let in and she didn’t trust easily. Yet she was also exceptionally loyal.

The first time she said my name was astonishing and left me jacking my cock for a woman—something I hadn’t done in years. Her audio was set to go off for any sound. I had not bothered to watch her while she slept—at the time I had not given completely into need. Surprise at seeing the audio had recorded something a little after midnight, I played it immediately without pulling up the video.

She whispered my name. The sound of her husky voice, low and vibrating with need, went straight to my cock. A small moan followed. I stopped the recording and pulled up her video. Holy shit, her hand was in her panties while her oversized T-shirt was pulled up and her other hand was playing with a breast.

There was only a nightlight on in the room, she was in shadow. I couldn’t see a damn thing and I hated it. I wanted to see her body, every inch of her. And that’s why I closed out of it before I completely fucked up. If I allowed myself to sink into this need, she’d never make it to her high school graduation.

My phone tears me from my memories, it’s a text from Nikita letting me know he hates me. He’s so fucking dramatic. I ignore it rather than feed his pout.

I shake my head trying to clear it. What the hell was going on with Celia? I decide to go through her audio trying to figure out her inner thought. Why did she say yes one day then go to Tony Sabatini the next? Why Tony and not Dominic after Dominic told her she could always go to him? I pull up the long ass audio file from her home before going to Sabatini.

Closing my eyes, I fight against the rage I’d felt when she called me that night. I was already on the phone with Sergei wondering why the hell he hadn’t called me. His pitiful moans then listening to him be sick were the only things keeping me from killing him for not being able to tell me where the hell Celia was. I was bringing up her tracker information when she called me. My whole fucking world came crashing down around me as I heard the fear, the pain in her voice.

Peter was with the doctor, taking him home after dealing with a knife wound for one of our men. I ordered them both to the commuter airport for Celia, I was on my way there myself and would arrive in less than fifteen minutes.

I’ll never forget the fear when she went quiet. The flight to her was the long forty-five minutes of my life. Thank god I’d bought the helicopter as a back up to my private jet in case I needed to get to Celia in an emergency. Seeing her facedown on the dirt road I’d barely been able to breathe until I had my hands on her and felt her moving beneath my touch.
