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I'm in the office in a flash. It takes less than ninety seconds to find it. When we were kids me and Carina spent hours with the kids of mafia men looking for the secret hiding spots in all the houses and businesses we visited. I hear Peter and Sergei.

“Where the fuck did she go? I knew this was a bad idea.” Peter growls low in his throat. “What the fuck did she say?”

“She warned me she was going to do something so bad Milos would be angry as hell at the both of us. He's going to fucking kill me.” Sergei moans.

“What? If you knew that, why didn’t you say? Why is she upset? The fucking order is do and say nothing to upset her.” More growling from Peter.

“If I had told her it would have upset her. Milos would have gutted me like a fish for telling her that his uncle wants him dead to take over Chicago.”

Closing my eyes, I let my head fall back against the wall. No. Oh no. Milos was fighting a war within his family. This was different than the MC and Serbians and Chechens. Family was always different, far deadlier. All at once my chest is so tight, I can barely breathe. It takes a minute for me to realize they're gone.

Slowly, quietly, I step out of the passageway that would take me down and out of the building. I force a calming breath. It’s fine. Milos is smarter than any man I've ever encountered. He thinks five moves ahead. It’s why he’s so worried about me. His fear is they would exploit his new weakness, which they would think is me as his fiancée.

I fight the urge to give in to fear and break into tears. I'm not afraid for me. I meant what I told the FBI agents—I trusted in Milos to keep me safe. It was Milos I feared for, as he would keep me safe over himself. No, I could take anything except losing him.

The sound of Peter and Sergei arguing reaches me from outside the office. They're moving further away. Crap. I don't want them telling Milos.

I nearly run for the stairs after them. “Excuse me. Where are you guys going?” I nearly shout.

“Where were you?” Peter’s eyes go wide.

“Bathroom.” I shrug. “Why?”

“I checked the bathroom.” His eyes narrow.

“I heard you but I didn't say anything. It was too rude.” I give another shrug. “You know what? I came, I saw, I want to go home.” Then I walk out of the restaurant without looking back at them.



I look downat the hellion who is now my sister-in-law. “The only reason you aren't dead is because Aleksander forbids it. I was the one who told him he couldn't kill you when he wanted to weeks ago. At this moment, as my brother is being sewn up for tearing his stitches from the gunshot wound you gave him, I regret that denial, deeply. For his sake, so that he can heal peacefully, I'm taking your ass somewhere far away from him. I do not have time for this shit, and at this rate he doesn’t have the blood level.”

For the first time she appears contrite. Her eyes fill with tears as she looks toward the bedroom Aleksander and the doctor are in.

“You aren't taking her anywhere,” Aleksander calls to me.

Christ. I told the doctor to put him under. Entering his room, I shake my head. “You need to heal.”

“The stitches tore because she's an animal during sex. She didn't mean to hurt me. This is as much my fault as hers. In the dark we didn’t see the blood until I got dizzy—which I thought was from her gifted mouth.” He smiles.

“Will you shut the hell up.” The hellion is spitting mad.

Aleksander chuckles. “Go make me coffee.”

“I'm spitting in it,” she mumbles as she walks away.

“How is that any different than when I eat your cunt?” He laughs.

She slams the bedroom door behind her.

The doctor leaves him with a bottle of pain pills and a caution against any activities that would rip the stitches again for at least two weeks. Aleksander does nothing more than raise an eyebrow at the caution. Knowing Aleksander will do whatever the hell he wants, the doctor mumbles just try to call before he loses so much blood next time.

When the door closes behind the doctor, I study Aleksander who still appears too damn pale, blood transfusion from me or not.

“No more calls in the night of you bleeding to death or shot?”

Running his hand over his face, he nods.
