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“Don’t say a word to Milos,” I order him as the SUV stops in front of the Hancock.

Outside my door, David is stalking the length of the long hallway.

Christ, what now? “What?”

“How come I can’t get into the cameras?” he demands.

“Why the fuck do you think you should be allowed? You don’t watch my wife.” I’d changed the password the last time I logged into it yesterday. “How long have you thought you could see into my home?”

“It, it is, was to protect you,” David stutters.

“Stay the fuck out of my cameras and your eyes off my wife.” He nods fast. “Keep pushing it and I will kill you. No one touches my wife. Or I’ll ensure a very painful death,” I promise him.

Entering the bedroom, I find Phoenix staring at the ceiling. The sight of her quiets all the chaos of the last few hours.

“Let me out so I can pee, damn it.” She spits the words at me.

“I gave you plenty of slack to get into the bathroom to pee if you needed to,” I murmur as I unhook her from the bed.

Her chin goes up as she slides off the bed. “I refuse to pee while chained to a bed.”

I can’t keep from chuckling as she stalks into the bathroom with the carriage of a queen before she slams the door behind her. I’m a dick for loving the way she fights back. Milos wasn’t wrong, a woman without fire is boring.

Taking off my suit jacket, I toss it at the bottom of the bed. I’m undoing my cuff links when Phoenix comes back.

“You were gone for almost four hours, Aleksander. That’s complete bullshit.”

“Did you do what I told you? Think about why you were chained to the bed?” I’m curious.

“Because you’re a control freak who thinks I’m some kind of robot you get to program. And when I’m not I get punished for it.”

“You did no thinking at all?” I sigh. Biting my lip not to laugh. She did do the thinking I ordered her to. She simply didn’t like what she came up with. Which means she arrived pretty damn close if not understood completely.

I turn to find her eyes glued to where I’m rolling up my sleeve. “Phoenix?”

Another blush. I look down at my forearm. Is it the tattoos? If she didn’t like the ones on my forearm, she isn’t going to like when I take off my shirt. Then I consider the one on my chest and wonder what her response will be to it.

Her intake of air is loud in the room. I catch her scent, her cunt is wet. My woman. Mine. She wants me so much her pussy is wet from me rolling up my sleeves. One step forward sends her back two until the bed stops her.

Grasping her by her hips, I lift her onto the bed and set her down in the center of it, then lean down on my hands over her. “My mother was almost as disappointed as I was by you missing lunch today. She made borscht for you.”

A shake of her head. “I wouldn’t have been able to keep a bite of food down while pretending we were…”

“Pretending what? Hm? What are we pretending, my dear wife?” Blue shimmers with desire. The scent of her is driving me crazy. “Would you have pretended your pussy wasn’t wet for me? I can smell you,malyshka. So wet, all for me.”

Shaking her head, her legs flutter open then closed again—too late, I’m already there. My head goes down as I take in how wet the front of the boxers are.

“No, it’s dirty.” She whimpers.

I run a finger over the wet silk. “No, it’s not. It’s so very lovely. You are so very lovely. You ache, don’t you,malyshka? I can make the ache go away. Open to me.”

* * *


I don’t dare not follow his order. It doesn’t matter how soft the words are, they are a command. One I obey immediately. All the better to please him. The sound of the silk boxers being torn from me fills the room. I’m supposed to close my eyes, to hide from this, from his need, only I can’t. Aleksander’s mouth is magic, his tongue surges deep inside me again and again.

Black glints up at me. In the small of Aleksander’s back it taunts me. A gun. It’s a .22 and it says everything. While a .22 is a smaller caliber of gun, it’s no less deadly than a .9 mm is; in fact it’s more so. The ability to end a problem without anyone being aware of it happening is something people who see murder as a normal thing prefer.
