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Clinging to him, I breathe deep at the beating of his heart beneath my ear. “I’m sorry.”

“I know you are,malyshka. It’s okay. I’m not mad at you. I forgive you.”

The tears pour out of me without any hope of me controlling myself.

“I told you. My dear wife, and I meant it. Until death do us part,” he whispers.

And now I believe him. He will never let me go.

Thank god.

* * *


Milos is pacing. Milos doesn’t pace. He’s worried. It’s the only reason I won’t hold what he’s saying against him.

“I’m not going to let you take her from me.”

He exhales slowly. “I’m not taking her from you. I’m going to put her somewhere so you are safe.”

“You never said how you found out. I’ll ask again, was it David?”

A sigh. “It was the doctor. He did not trust you to take care of yourself. What’s that look about David?”

I shake my head. “I was hoping he would become friends with her like Sergei did with Celia. With him being gay, I prefer him over anyone else as her guard.”

The fucker chuckles. “A gay man doesn’t just become friends with a woman. Especially not when David gets hard for you.”

“I’ve told him it’s not going to happen. Years later he won’t give up. It should be enough I didn’t kill him the way Father wanted me to.” Frustration seethes through me.

“Do you want me to take care of him?” Milos asks.

I consider the offer. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

Another sigh. “I’ll move her into a condo here in the building if you prefer. At the very least no weapons around her.”

“She got scared. It’s not her fault, it’s mine. I pushed her too far. I knew she wasn’t ready, I got carried away. I dared her to shoot me.” I don’t want him holding this against her.

“Are you fucking serious?”

“I am serious. Phoenix doesn’t want to leave me. She’s afraid I’ll leave her. Her mother left her, her father left her, the scum tried to sell her back, even Ray…” I shake my head.

Milos runs his hand through his hair. “It’s been a long time since anything made me sick. Reading her file, I was horrified by what I read, but what really turned my stomach was that it was our father who did it to her. None of that is a good enough reason to spill your blood.”

“It is to me. And I will gladly take another bullet from her if it gave me the knowledge I love her before I fucked up by not admitting it sooner. There’s also the fact it helped my wife realize she loves me. I have a feeling it’s going to be almost as hard for her to admit it to herself.”

Rolling his eyes. “I didn’t see any love in her eyes when she told me that I wasn’t allowed in to see you.”

“She’s afraid of you,” I defend her.

“I work hard to ensure people are afraid of me. She didn’t seem afraid when she told me I couldn’t come in.” His words are so dry they’re almost brittle.

“The better for the both of you.”

“We shall see about that. Call me, if you need anything.” It’s an order.

Seconds after the door closes behind Milos, Phoenix appears carrying a tray
