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“Yes, Boss.” Boris eyes her as he goes down the stairs.

“Naughty,zaika. What have I told you? There is no escaping me. We were supposed to have a nice day today. But you had to ruin it.” I shake my head.

Her lower lip appears. “This feels absurd.”

“To who?”

“Everyone.” It’s a whisper.

“Everyone who? Who thinks this is absurd?” I wonder. The pain on her face shouldn’t soothe me. I loathe she is in pain. Yet, her pain is unnecessary because the little fool will not believe in me. Grasping her hand, I tug her to me. Fucking hell, she melts into me without a fight. I’m reminded all over again, it’s fear driving her—it’s all she has left. And with everything she went through, it is understandable.

I’m trying to ignore my aching cock as she nuzzles into my chest. I don’t help myself by wrapping my arms around her and hugging her tighter, only fuck me, I can’t not. “No one but you and my family knows our real story. No one else ever will,” I vow to her. “What would be more absurd is you walking away from me and living a miserable, empty life without me when all you want is to stay with me.”

Her eyes won’t meet mine. “You say that like you’re so sure. That I’m going to live a miserable, empty life without you. I can walk away. I can put one foot in front of the other without you.”

“I am very sure. Because I can only imagine that is what my life will be like without you in it. I am aware you can live without me. As can I without you.” Blue flashes with pain as she finally looks up at me.

Catching her small chin, I hold her eyes. “I also know I do not want to.” She sags against me. “This is allyourfault, my dear sweet wife. I was quite content with my life before you. My life is one many men envy. I own beautiful homes, cars, and fucked beautiful women without ever feeling deeply for anyone or anything but my family. Then you showed up with your fire and beauty and shined a light for me to see clearly all of it was empty. Nothing more than a beautiful façade, gilded with no substance beneath it all. If you think I would let your beauty, your fire, your wicked tongue and your heart go once I’ve had you, then you should have done your homework before going up against me because as Bratva, as a Levin, we take what we want and we never let it go.”

Blue hides from me. No, dear wife. I brush my lips against hers, relishing the shiver that runs through her small body against mine. “You belong to me, every part of you. I will care for you always. I will take care of you—your heart, your body, your precious and brilliant soul.”

* * *


The words are spoken against my lips, burned into them as a vow. His press of a gentle kiss is a seal. I close my eyes, overwhelmed at what those words do to me.

A sound pierces the bubble we’re in. Milos is there. His freaky yellow eyes run over us. He gives us a small nod before taking the stairs to the first floor. I can’t control the way I tremble.

“Milos will never harm you. As my woman you are now under his protection as well as everyone within our family.”

I’m not afraid of Milos. I’m afraid of spending the rest of my life with a man in it who killed the only person who cared about and loved me. But if I leave, I leave a man who is promising me that he cares and will take care of me, and he’s here right now. There’s also something in his eyes, when he saysyourheart—could he really?

A flicker of fear appears, only to die at the way he’s looking at me now. I close my eyes and try to remember ever feeling as treasured as I do with Aleksander. Even when Raymond was alive he cared, I know he did but he was landed with a messed-up thirteen year old without ever having kids himself. It wasn’t easy for him and he told me that often. But Raymond is gone, Aleksander isn’t. I believe Aleksander and I don’t care if it makes me an idiot.

“Sir? Are you ready for us to serve or would you like us to come back later?” A pretty young waitress is hesitant as she stands at the top of the steps with a plate in one hand and a carafe of orange juice in the other.

Aleksander looks down at me. His eyebrow is up. “Do we stay or do we go?”

I don’t even hesitate. “We stay.”

He nods. “We are ready.”

I’m led to the table with his hand remaining at my back to guide me. When he pulls out the chair for me I instantly miss him against me.

By the time he’s in his own chair the table is nearly groaning with food. We each have a plate of eggs benedict with the hollandaise sauce on the side. There’s a basket of bread, and another basket filled with several piroshki, some filled with mushrooms and sausage, a few strawberry and another with blueberry.

Champagne is chilling within one shiny bucket. It’s Dom Perignon 1985. I meet Aleksander’s eyes. He winks and I have no idea where it comes from, but I burst out into laughter.

“Sadly, there is still the matter of your punishment for trying to escape.”

Something is so very wrong for me to get wet at the prospect of him punishing me. He sees it, one side of his mouth slides up. “Come here.”

It’s the moment in the dining room all over again. I’m not proud of the way I practically jump out of my seat to get to him. Once again his hand is around my wrist, pulling me into his lap. My chest twists hearing the sigh that comes out of him as he squeezes me tight. The sigh matches my own, it’s of relief, filled with pleasure at finally being in his arms again. It’s crazy—it was all of five minutes without him, yet Aleksander felt the same way.

Rubbing his cheek against mine, his male hum of satisfaction sends heat rushing to the heart of me. Velvet, hot and wet, his tongue tastes the skin of my neck, sending my head back. “Every inch of you is delicious. Christ, you make it hard to do the right thing.” He chuckles. “Or maybe I should say you make me too hard to do the right thing.”

From deep inside the soft silicone toy he put in me buzzes to life, sending electricity through me and aching emptiness throughout my entire body. So good, it feels so good but it’s gone again.
