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Two weeks before Christmas

Hawk hit the gavel on the block of steel to get the attention of his brothers. It had no damned effect. Everyone seemed to be talking at the same time. It sounded like a bloody street market the way they were carrying on.

Ice whistled sharply and finally they shut up.

Hawk looked around the room, at his grinning brothers.

“I totally understand you are wound up because we’re about to have the first real club party here since we’ve rebuilt. I know you’re looking forward to letting loose and celebrate as we head towards the end of this fucked up year. But…there are rules for this party. Rules we’ve never had to implement before, so listen closely because I won’t allow any fuck ups.”

He paused to let it sink in before he continued.

“The gates will not be thrown open like we used to do. Only those who are invited will be allowed inside. Anyone who arrives at the gate and his or her name isn’t on the list will be turned away. We will keep a record of the names of those turned away and they will be checked at a later date. If you want to invite someone or several someones you have to put their names on the request list. Ziggy, Mouse and Bollywood will be conducting thorough background checks. There will be no exceptions. No background check, no entrance. If the check comes back with red flags, no entrance. Understood?”

Heads nodded in acceptance around the room. They had learned their lesson well and no longer trusted easily.

“As always the Christmas Eve party is for the brothers and not for the families. Old ladies and girlfriends are welcome to attend but if they are new to the club you need to warn them it’s going to be wild. I don’t want shit going down because someone’s woman is offended by what your brothers get up to out there. You leave your woman at home if she’s going to be a problem. There will be a braai with the usual salads and rolls or whatever they give us. Chris and the club girls with the help of the prospects are taking care of it. While you are partying remember we are having the family Christmas the following day. If you’re not heading out to spend it with your blood, your ass will be here. There’s a list at the bar, add your name if you’re going to be here.”

He had to breathe in and calm his thoughts before he could continue.

“Chris, Scar’s old lady, is organising the Christmas lunch with the help of Genna, Bulldog’s youngest daughter, and Frieda, Breker’s mum. It’s going to be a difficult day for the family, and I want you to help out where ever it’s needed.”

His brothers turned solemn as they nodded their agreement. Everyone remembering that last year Aunt Beryl had been the one organising the festivities. Knowing they had his family’s backs had the heaviness lying over him lifting a tiny bit.

It dissipated even more as he continued.

“Over the last couple of years our Iron Dogz brothers have been getting busy.” He chuckled and winked. “Brothers have been claiming old ladies and introducing serious girlfriends to the club for the first time in years. Not only do we have old ladies and girlfriends, we have children being born to us. Some of our brothers have taken women who already have children and they have become a part of our family. The future of our club is being assured with every old lady we claim, with every birth and child brought into our club family. We are growing, brothers. What I’m trying to say is, we are settling down, and by settling down we allow our women to dictate a part of our lives. Those of you with women know what I’m talking about.”

There were knowing nods from the brothers who had women and laughter from those who didn’t. Ignoring the assholes he continued.

“My old lady is one of those little dictators. She has decreed there will be a bloody Father Christmas at the lunch, and he’ll be giving presents out to the kids.”

Hawk pulled a disgusted face and his brothers laughed, Ice going as far as slapping his hands on the table like a bloody drum roll while laughing.

“You can stop the hyena impressions you fucking bastards. One of you is going to be the jolly fat man. I already told my old lady there’s no fucking way I’ll do it.”

Immediately there were shaking heads all around. No one wanted to be the fat man.

A hand went up from one of the young patches sitting against the wall. Hawk nodded towards him.

Zipper gave a grin and a wink as he stood.

“Boss, with respect, we’re too young to play the jolly fat man. It needs to be a man of experience, a man who knows children. There’s no doubt in my mind the man for the job is our brother Bulldog. We’re going to have to pad him to make him look fat but he fits the profile.” He winked at a scowling Bulldog as he sat down.

Ice gave Bulldog an evil grin as he threw his hand into the air. “I second the suggestion.”

Wrench raised his hand and Hawk pointed at him. He shot up out of his chair looking as if he was about to start bouncing in place.

“We need to do this right and I know just how we can do it. We’re bikers, and our fucking Father Christmas won’t arrive in a damned sleigh drawn by horses dressed up to look like reindeer. He’ll be on a bike with a sidecar and wearing a kutte. A special kutte stating he’s the president of the North Pole Chapter of the Iron Dogz MC. The sidecar will be big enough for a bag of presents and his elf can ride on the back of his bike. You know he has to have an elf to help out. One of the girls can be the elf.”

There was laughter and shouted suggestions all around and Hawk whistled to get them to shut up.

Bulldog jumped in before he could get a word out.

“If I do this, and it’s a big if, my old lady will be the elf. I won’t have a damned club girl on the back of my bike.”
