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His uncle shook his head, rolled his eyes to the ceiling before looking back at him. “You know you’re raising a pair of demons, right? Taking them out on the bike so young? Are you sure about it? You carry on like this those boys are going to be riding long before it will be legal for them to ride.”

He gave a slow nod. “I know, believe me, I know. A bikers’ life is hard and they will need to be strong to survive it. Especially being my sons, the sons of the National President of the Iron Dogz MC. It won’t be easy for them because there will be expectations. If I start them early it means they have an advantage when the time comes.”

Bulldog sighed heavily but nodded in agreement because he knew it was the truth. Ice and I hadn’t been fully prepared for what awaited us when we started prospecting. We didn’t know much about the club because to a large extent we had been kept from getting too close. Our mothers were the reason, and when mine passed away aunt Suzy and aunt B picked up the slack and continued raising me the way my mother would have wanted. She wanted me to have some distance from the club. I know she thought it was necessary and maybe at the time it was.

The club was filthy when my dad and Bulldog took over. They cleaned it up but not all the way. Ice and I did that.

Now the club was legitimate. Mostly. My sons and the sons of my cousins wouldn’t have to deal with the crap we had to.

But, in this life there are never any guarantees.

There were always going to be those who wanted what we had.

I was going to make sure my boys knew exactly how to deal with it. I would ensure they grew up to be the strong leaders the next generation of the Iron Dogz MC needed.

Leaders strong enough to protect their sisters.

The thought made me smile.


Shopping with River

I’ve never really gone shopping with another woman, not for clothes anyway.

Today was a first.

Not only did I have to tell her I needed a sexy red dress, I had to tell her why I needed the dress.

She immediately wanted to jump in and start organising a wedding and I wouldn’t let her. I vetoed all things wedding related and only let her have the decoration of the gazebo. The same gazebo where she and Ice tied the knot. The gazebo where Hawk and I would be tying the knot.

To say she was pissed at me would be putting it mildly.

She wanted to give me everything we had given her and I understood why she would want that. But honestly, we didn’t have the time and I didn’t want or need a fancy wedding.

“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want a wedding day with all the trimmings.” River muttered as I drove us into the parking lot of the Mall of Africa.

Hiding my grin I parked, we got out and as we walked into the mall I turned to her to explain.

“I don’t care about the dress, the flowers, and the cake, none of that stuff. All I care about is that we’ll be married quick and easy. No fuss, no weeks of planning and shit. Just a quick ceremony and it’s done. Having it on Christmas day is perfect, neither one of us will forget our anniversary. My family are coming to spend the day with us and Hawk’s family will be there as well. No need for special arrangements to be made or anything. We like that it will be a simple ceremony right before we celebrate Christmas with our families and the club.”

River had her hand up so I shut up.

“Right, I’ll give you the simple ceremony but there’s no way you are doing this without your girls. We need to tell the old ladies and girlfriends because they’ll want to be there for you. I know for a fact Vash and Maggie are going to juggle their arrangements for the day because no way would they miss it. It means we need to go over planning with Suzy, Genna, Gail, Chris and Frieda. There will be a damned wedding cake and…”

I put my hand over her mouth to stop the spate of words.

“Okay, I give in. We can sitdown with everyone and iron out the technicalities. You can decorate the gazebo and we can do the wedding cake but, there will be no attendants and no wedding march bullshit. I want everyone as relaxed as they would have been for a normal Christmas lunch at the clubhouse.”

River laughed and shook her head as if I was mistaken.

“You do know the minute Hawk announces it to the brothers everyone will be there. No one will want to miss it.” She looked sad for a second. “Except Rider, he wouldn’t want to be there.”

I sighed. I knew it was true, the brothers would cancel their plans.

Then I had another thought.

Maybe, just maybe, us getting married was what the club needed.
