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We took the time to go through our presents lists to make sure we had all the kids on it. We didn’t want to miss anyone.

We had decided to stick to small but fun items and had done our homework. We knew exactly what we would be buying for each child.

The club’s credit card was quietly moaning by the time we were done.

Hawk would think twice before he gave it to me again.

The car was loaded to the rafters with our buying spree.

I had been amazed we got all our parcels in.

Tired but satisfied we headed home.



Sunday Club Run

This morning his old lady had dressed the boys in matching black club tees, baby jeans and their little biker boots. They looked like little badass baby bikers. Too damned cute. They even had little denim jackets that had the club’s patch printed on the back with prospect underneath.

She wasn’t wrong, their boys would be learning about the club long before they formally started their prospecting year.

He left home on his bike after helping her settle the boys in her beast. He had to get to the clubhouse before her to stage the reveal of his surprise.

The sidecar project had been kept a secret from her because he wanted it to be a surprise. She had been jumpy lately and he knew she missed riding. After having the boys she didn’t have as many opportunities to ride as she did before. Most days she was in her beast of a double cab bakkie with the boys strapped into their seats behind her. In the almost six months since they were born she has only been on her bike once, and that was to ride around the property to check out the cottages with him.

His old lady was missing riding and the road.

Today he would be giving it to her.

And his boys would be introduced to it for the first time.

The sidecar had been specially built for the babies. It had two seats that would be swopped out as the twins grew. They had been specially made with the same safety features as baby car seats. The sidecar had been made as safe as possible with strengthening bars, a roll cage and a retractable clear dome to keep the wind and bugs off his boys. River had gone above and beyond in the design and apparently she and Wrench hadn’t made only one, they made two. There was one for his bike and one for Ice’s bike.

His was a deep red and black, the same colour as his bike and Ice’s was a deep blue.

He knew the sidecars would get a lot of attention on their ride today and that would be very good for River’s business.

The gate slid open and his old lady drove through and came to a sudden stop, her mouth moving and he grinned. He had succeeded in surprising her. Shaking her head she drove to her parking spot and he was right there when she shut the rumbling engine down. Opening her door he grinned as she shook her head with a grin.

“You’re a shit, you know that, right? Why didn’t you tell me?” She was still mumbling as he reached in, unclipped her seatbelt and pulled her out and into his arms.

“I really like that my old lady is fun sized.” He murmured in her ear and laughed when she smacked his chest.

His boys were chattering away and he knew if they didn’t get them out very soon they would be yelling. Giving his old lady a quick hard, smacking kiss he set her down and opened the door to the back of the cab.

“Hey boys, you ready for your first ride?” He asked as he started unclipping Nix. Of course Ash didn’t like that and gave a loud screech.

“Don’t be an ass, Ash, be patient for a second, I’ll get to you now.” He said and his boy frowned at him but he did shut up.

Handing Nix to DC he leant in and unclipped his other boy. Pulling Ash out he settled him against his chest and turned to join his old lady. She was standing next to the sidecar with Wrench and River, waiting for him.

“What do you think little bird?” He asked but he knew the answer by the look on her face.

“Don’t you think the boys are a bit too young to take on a run?” Her voice a little worried.

“Baby, River and Wrench did an amazing job with the sidecars. The boys will be as safe as they are in your beast or in the back of a cage. You know I’ll be careful and my brothers will be with us, ensuring no asshole in a cage can get anywhere near us. We ride in formation today and fuck the citizens, we won’t be giving way to them. Not today. We have our babies with us and Ice and River has their boys with them as well.”
