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A delighted smile was what he wanted and he got it.

“We’re going on a run, we’re really going on a run.” She sang as she swayed Nix back and forth. He happily laughed and babbled along.

“We have one little thing to get done before we get on the road. We have to put helmets on these guys. River’s boys have no problem with it as she’s been quietly training them to be comfortable with something on their heads. Our hellions are a different story. They will have to get used to them quick so we can get on the road. I don’t want to get to Zeffers with the rest of the crowds. It’s going to be a nice day and it will be damned busy.”

Ice came walking up with both their boys in his arms and both had their helmets on already. They were the same blue as Ice’s bike and their names were painted in white on the sides, Gabe and Ranger, their nicknames, not their full names.

They looked fucking cute.

“We’s widin’.” Ranger said importantly as he patted his helmet.

The boys instantly noticed their cousins looked different.

Ash reached out a hand and made grabby motions.

Hawk reached into the sidecar and pulled out the helmet with his name painted on the side.

“Let’s get this on your head so you look like your cousins, okay?” He said quietly as he gently set the helmet on his head.

It was open faced and the colour matched his bike. Ash’s name was in white on the side. It was a bit of a mission doing it one handed but he managed. His son reached up and touched his head then started patting it. Nix gave a yell and had a hand out, making grabby motions.

He helped DC get the helmet on his head and soon he was patting his head the same way his brother was.

“Right, let’s strap them in. Who do we put in front?” He asked DC and she pointed at Nix.

“It will be familiar to them because it’s the same as their pushchair.” She was putting him in the sidecar and strapping him in while explaining.

He handed Ash to her and she strapped him in as well. The boys babbled and waved their hands about with big smiles.

Thank fuck. He wasn’t worried about the sound of the bike’s engine as they were used to the sound of bikes and the growling of their mother’s beast of a bakkie.

He watched as Ice loaded his boys. His sidecar had three seats to accommodate the three boys. Duncan sat in front where he had legroom. It was obvious the boy wouldn’t be riding in the sidecar for very long. He’s been shooting up.

Throwing a leg over his bike he got situated then held and arm out for his old lady to get on behind him. He handed her helmet to her then pulled his own on, fastened it, pulled his bandanna up over his nose and settled his riding sunglasses over the top. Tapping his old lady’s thigh he started the bike and glanced down at his boys. Their eyes were big as they looked up at him and then they grinned and waved. He waved at them as he pushed the button that would slide the dome over them, sealing them safe inside. He could even play music for them when they were on the road.

Looking around at his brothers he circled his hand in the air and slowly pulled out. He had done a few rounds on the bike last night and now had the feel of the sidecar.

There was a change in today’s riding order.

He would not be leading the pack.

Sin and Jagger took up positions at the front and he followed. Beast and Scar followed him before Ice fell in behind them. Behind him rode Spook and Wolf followed by Boots, and then the rest of the pack. It seemed like most of his brothers were riding today. The prospects followed in the club’s SUV loaded with shit the old ladies didn’t want to carry on the bikes. His boys’ shit was in there as well. It amazed him how much shit they had to cart around for them.

When they reached the road they took up the entire lane, filling it from side to side. Those at the back of the pack controlled the fuckers who tried to overtake them. There was always one asshole who thought his little turbo charged cage was fast enough to overtake a long column of bikes. Not happening today. No fucking citizen would be allowed to split the pack or endanger anyone of them.

Usually their kuttes and looks kept them from challenging the column.

Today was the same. They had a good ride out to the dam and arrived at Zeffers to find Wimpie had taped off a space for them to park. Thank fuck he had practised how to park the damned bike last night. Once it was situated DC hopped off and immediately went around to the boys. He pushed the button to open the dome while she pulled off her sunglasses then her helmet. She always wore her full face helmet and as they had Bluetooth in the helmets they could communicate and listen to music on the road. He only wore the full face on long runs, not on short ones like today.

They had their helmets stashed and the boys out of the sidecar when Doc came storming towards them. He was pissed.

“What the fuck are you two thinking taking my grandkids on the road? It’s fucking dangerous with all those clueless fucks out there driving like they own the road.” He roared as he got closer.

And what does his old lady do?

She laughs.

And because she’s laughing the boys are laughing. Hawk used the distraction to get their helmets off them and stashed in the sidecar. A push of a button had the dome closing locking their shit inside safely. The prospects would be watching over the bikes but you never knew. There was always that one fucker who thought he could take what wasn’t his.
