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Hawk didn’t give him a chance to say more.

“Let’s hear a howl if you vote for Bulldog as the Iron Dogz MC’s Father Christmas with Suzy as his elf.”

Ice was laughing so hard his howl sounded strangled. Hawk shook with laughter but he howled as loud as the rest of his brothers.

Bulldog stared at them with his arms crossed over his chest and gave a tiny nod before he grinned. The grin was knowing and slightly evil.

“You two fuckers think this is funny.” He nodded slowly. “And maybe it is, but what is even funnier is the fact that one day it will be you. Sitting where I am, while your sons sit where you are, giving you shit about being the bloody jolly fat man. I’m going to laugh at you then, you bastards.”

Hawk shook his head. “I won’t be fucking Father Christmas it will be Ice’s job.”

Ice immediately punched him in the upper arm. “Hell no, it will be your job, you’re the prez.”

“No fucking way am I wearing anything red, not ever.” Hawk growled as laughter rang through their chapel.

“He’s right, Veep, our boss won’t look right in red, plus with that scowly face he’ll scare the kiddies.” Kahn teased.

“I don’t know, Kahn, he might just be able to pull it off.” Beast joined the teasing.

“I don’t think so.” Sin joined the discussion with a wide grin. “Red isn’t the boss’s colour, his best colour is black. He’s more like the Grim Reaper than the jolly fat man.”

Hawk growled at them but without intent. “You bastards had better stop or I’ll assign all the shitty jobs to you.”

He let the laughter continue for a bit before he slapped a hand on the table and silence fell.

It was great to laugh with his brothers but it was time to get back to club business now that they’ve settled the arrangements for Christmas.

“Let’s get back to business. I had a conference call with Jaycee and Layla. Both strip clubs are doing well but, they’ve had quite a few gang bosses and Russians coming into both clubs. With the shit that went down in Cape Town between Dom and the Demidov Bratva I think we need to be careful. Ziggy, I want you and Mouse to go through the surveillance videos of both clubs. I want to know who those men are and if we should be worried. The girls aren’t complaining because so far they’ve behaved themselves and are big tippers. I’m not taking any chances though and have contacted the security company to let them know we will be stepping in along with them. I know we voted on bringing in the security company because at the time we were at war with the Harrisons. But we’re not at war anymore and we haven’t maintained a big presence at either Moonlight or Iron Kisses. It seems that was a mistake. We’ll be rectifying it. Friday night we’ll be visiting both clubs and making sure our presence is noted. There will be a roster drawn up and we’ll have brothers at both clubs for as long as it’s necessary. For those of you with old ladies you need to get them on board because everyone will be on the roster. When I say everyone that’s exactly what I mean, everyone. We’ll have two brothers on duty at each club during the day and at night. It will be long hours because I want you there when the staff arrive in the mornings and leave at night. You will be the first to arrive and last to leave. There will be no fucking the strippers, waitresses or any of the staff, is that understood?”

He looked at his men and took in the nods of agreement. It was good to see.

But then a hand went up.

“Ja, Kite?”

“Uhm, Prez, I’ve been sort of seeing one of the girls at Iron Kisses. It’s not serious or anything but…you know.” He shrugged. “Do I have to end it with her? I will if it’s necessary to keep the club safe.” He explained in a rush.

There were snorts from the older brothers and a few knowing smiles.

“Kite, I’m the last one to cock block a brother. We don’t know what the fuck is going on and her being seen with you might put her on radar. Have you been picking her up at the club? She on the back of your bike?” Hawk asked.

Kite looked appalled and almost violently shook his head.

“Never Prez, she’s not on the back of my bike. I don’t go to the club, I go to her place, we fuck then I leave. I don’t stay over or take her out or anything. It’s just…you know.” He shrugged.

“Who is it?” Ziggy asked his eyes on his laptop.

“Shelley, the new girl. She started dancing about two months ago. We met at the Thirsty Dog and it went from there.”

Ziggy tapped the keys then laughed. “She’s fucking ten years older than you, Kite. What the hell brother?”

Kite smirked and winked.

The little fucker, Hawk couldn’t help it, he laughed with the rest of his brothers. He would have loved to continue the teasing but it had to end, as did Kite’s booty call.

“You end it, Kite. Today. I don’t want you going to her place or meeting her at the club. Call her and tell her you’re done. You got me?”

He nodded. “Got you, Prez. Consider it done.”
