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“It’s great to see our brothers from Cape Town at our table, we have missed their ugly fucking faces.” He joked with a wide grin.

“The same here, Prez. We’ve missed your ugly face too.” Spider called out with a cheeky grin.

Laughter erupted and it was so good to sit at the table and laugh instead of discussing the dark shit they’ve had to do for too long. Not that it lasted long, he knew Beast had a report that was going to throw them back into the dark.

He tapped a hand on the table and silence fell.

“We don’t have a lot of business to get through today so let’s get to it. Beast, give us your report on the situation at the strip clubs.”

Beast nodded and leant forward.

“There are several crime figures spending time at the clubs. We’ve identified the Italians, who we have no beef with, but will still keep an eye on. A couple of Russians have become regulars and have been identified but we have yet to determine their affiliations.” He took a second to look around the table. “According to Jaycee the two triad members we identified are regulars, apparently they’ve always frequented our clubs, we’re not worried but will keep an eye on the situation. What I am concerned about are the four men with known affiliations to street gangs. They’re getting cocky and I’m thinking we’ll have to take care of them very soon. I’ve given instructions to everyone on rotation at the clubs to keep a sharp eye out. I was at Iron Kisses last night and they were there, I do not like the way they are looking at the girls. Nor do I like the way they treat the girls serving drinks. We’ve had to issue warnings on more than one occasion and I personally warned them again last night. I gave them a final warning. Next time one of them who puts a hand on one of the girls they are out. Permanently. It did not go over well.” He looked around the room before continuing.

“I’m damned glad we voted to close the clubs over the festive period. Yes, we are going to lose money, but fuck it. We deserve a break from the constant battles. The security company will be watching the buildings over the few days we are closed. When we open back up the rotation will go back into effect.”

Spider raised a hand and Hawk gave him a chin lift.

“I know my Prez won’t mind me sharing with you. We are having a similar problem in Cape Town. We have a bigger gangster problem down there than you have up here. But, don’t you find it interesting that we’re having gang members hanging out at our strip clubs at the same time? Kid has teams watching over the clubs and the girls just in case it’s about the women and not the clubs as such. I think you should warn the girls to be careful.” He sat back but his fingers were restless where they lay on the table.

“Good idea. Beast, see to it that Jaycee and Layla warn their girls, staff and dancers both.” Hawk said quietly. “We’ll take care of this bullshit once the clubs reopen.”

The gangsters had no idea who they were fucking with. They most probably thought the club was weakened after their fight with the Harrison Crime Syndicate.

They were wrong.

They were stronger and more prepared than ever before.

And they had proven it by taking out the plague that was the Harrisons.

He turned to the next piece of business.

Stone and the widow.

“Stone, brother, what’s the news with the widow?”

The brother gave a sly smile.

“I finally met her and she’s a spitfire but I’ve got it handled. She agreed that the fences are in her best interest as well. I pissed her off when I said I would be overseeing the installation and therefore have to move in for a while.”

Hawk shook his head and laughed.

“Fuck, Stone, you don’t have to move in. She right fucking next door.”

His brother shook his head slowly.

“I have to, Boss. I make her nervous, in a good way though. If I don’t move fast she’s going to run and I can’t allow that. She doesn’t know it yet but she’s going to be my old lady. Blake Summers and her boys are going to be mine.” He said with absolute conviction in his voice.

Laughter rang around the room along with a few howls and it took Hawk smacking the hammer down several times before they calmed down.

“I hope you know what you’re doing, brother. Her husband hasn’t been dead long, only about a year or so.” Hawk warned thinking of Rider and his state of mind.

“I know, but I don’t think there was a lot of love lost between her and the husband. I’ll be careful because of who she is to me.” Stone said quietly.

Hawk nodded and let it go. It was his brother’s business until it became club business. Only then would he be able to step in.

“Do we have any other business to take care of before we close for the year?” He asked of the room in general.

Wolf put his hand up and so did Scar.
