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Right. On to the next piece of business.

“Stone, any word from our neighbour? Has she been in contact regarding the fences?”

Stone shook his head looking pissed as hell.

“The bitch has been avoiding me. I’ve been over to her place more than I care to count only to be told she’s not in. I’m not giving up. I’ll get to her when she least expects it. Trust me, Prez, this shit will get done.”

“Good. We need to get this sorted as soon as we can. I know it’s the holiday season but we’ve got Jagger’s people on standby. They will get on the job as soon as we have her okay in writing.”

Stone gave a short nod, them winked with an evil grin. “No worries, Prez, I’ll get her signature, even if I have to turn her sexy ass red to get it.”

Gales of laughter met his statement. Jesus.

As long as he didn’t get arrested the ball was in his court.

“See that you don’t get put in bangles, Stone.” Hawk warned and his brother gave him a chin lift.

Damn. His brother was going to push the widow.

Not his problem right now, he would deal with it if it became necessary.

“I’ve had an update from Rider regarding the trucking company, our trucking depots and container yards. His report shows a sizable dip in revenue across all three businesses. He’s predicting it will dip even further in the coming year. According to him we need to take a hard look at the trucking business and cut out under performing routes. It will mean shutting down depots and yards along those routes, but doing so will impact the chapters guarding those routes.” There were rumbles and he held up a hand to silence them. “We’re not getting into a discussion about it today. I mentioned it because I want all of us to think about alternatives, none of us want to leave our brothers out there without a way to earn. We’ll look into it in the new year after we’ve done a thorough investigation of our available options.”

He looked down at the table and the baby monitor sitting next to the steel block before he continued.

“Rider is still at Scar’s beach house with Delene but he let me know he won’t be coming home for Christmas. He’s going down to Cape Town to see Pixie. Apparently the two of them have become good friends. She invited them to stay at her house and spend Christmas with her family. He said he can’t be here as it will be their first Christmas without Penny. I couldn’t argue it with him. He’s slowly healing but it’s still too soon for them to come home.”

Tapping the steel square with his fingers he frowned heavily as he stared down at his hand, thinking about his broken brother.

“We can only hope and pray our brother comes back to us. He doesn’t seem to realise it but he needs us as much as we need him. I’m going to give him space, talk to him in the new year, and hopefully he’ll be coming home soon after.”

Jagger put a hand up and Hawk gave him a chin lift.

“I had a meeting with Chris and Tori regarding the cottage we’re building for our brother. They wanted to know when they could start on the interior, so I gave them dates. The build will be finished by February next year. The girls will then tackle the interior. It should be ready for Rider and Delene to move in around the end of March.” He looked around the table then back at Hawk. “That’s how long we’re going to give him, Boss. He has four months then he gets his ass home.”

Bulldog tapped his fingers on the table and Hawk tipped a head towards him.

“Our brother is wary of coming home because of the memories he has of his old lady here. He doesn’t realise the clubhouse is no longer the place he remembers. We’ve changed the interior and exterior areas completely. There will be nothing to remind him of her in here or outside. The only thing left is the house he shared with her, and even that doesn’t look the same. Tori has been putting her stamp on the house and the garden.”

Beast and Jagger nodded in agreement.

“Ja, we’ll be consolidating the upstairs balconies, widening them. We’re doing the same with those at the back of the house. The look of the exterior is going to be changed completely to look like a Mexican hacienda.” Beast explained. “Tori has ordered new furniture for the lounges and the kitchen. We’re changing as much as we can to ensure he will be comfortable in our home. It will be done before he comes home in March. What used to be their wing of the house will be completely gutted and re-done as well. Genna and Slim will be moving in once it’s done.”

Hawk nodded. “Good. Kahn, make a note to remind me. I want to formally call him back at the beginning of March, maybe even earlier if everything is ready. I need him here.”

Silence fell and he sat back in his chair. He knew all the brothers felt Rider’s loss. His old lady had been well liked and she was missed by all of them.

They had another brother who needed their attention. He needed an update on his progress.

“Buzz, brother, how is Ratel doing?”

The silence in the room became even heavier until Buzz smiled.

“Actually, Prez, he’s doing well. He’s not as depressed as he was at first and he’s coping better now that the surgeries are behind him. He’s been assured that with hard work and therapy he will regain mobility in his arm, hand and leg. His specialist is pleased with his progress and he has started going to physical therapy. He’ll be ready to leave the hospital soon. His doc wants him to go to a burns recovery facility but Ratel wants to come home. We’ll have a talk closer to the time. He will need specialised care for some time. I was thinking of looking into employing a nurse and a physical therapist if he insists on coming home.” Buzz frowned as he reported.

“If he wants to come home, brother, let him. If we have to set up a fucking recovery unit to help him we will. Keep me in the loop and we’ll talk when the time comes.”

Hawk silently went over the points he had wanted to discuss today and was happy to note he had covered all of them. It was time to end church.
