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It was draped in gauzy red and gold fabric that was fluttering in the slight breeze. Golden cords held the fabric back from the front like a doorway and inside a wooden lectern had been placed in the middle. A tall wrought iron stand held a red vase filled with white, orange and reddish-orange flowers. He had no idea what kind of flowers they were but they were damned pretty.

A red carpet led from the big golden chair next to the Christmas tree almost to the gazebo. He knew River and her helpers would be scattering flower petals for DC to walk in on. He just didn’t know what colour they would be or why the hell they wanted to scatter petals in the first place.

They were getting married in jeans and nice shirts. Nothing fancy at all.

Walking over to his brothers he joined them and grabbed one of the breakfast sandwiches on the platter in front of them.

He had no idea he was so hungry but then remembered that he and his old lady hadn’t had time to have breakfast before coming to the clubhouse.

Making a mental note to run upstairs and brush his teeth before the ceremony he relaxed, a tiny bit, but not completely.

He finally relaxed when his old lady walked out with both their boys in her arms. He immediately got up and took them from her, easily holding them in each arm.

They sat down with his brothers whose old ladies had now joined them as well.

Excitement ran through the kids who were clustered around the bottom of the tree. Genna and Slim along with Dollar, Wrench and Crash stood ready to stop them from running wild when Bulldog arrived.

And then the sound of an old fashioned hooter filled the air.

Paarp! Paarp! Paarp! Paarp!

And around the corner of the clubhouse appeared Father Christmas.

A biker Father Christmas.

The kids were jumping up and down and shouting with joy.

His boys started clapping and laughing while his old lady had her phone up.

Filming every second of their boys’ first Christmas.

Making precious memories for them.



The smiles and laughter all around us made our efforts to have a special Christmas so worthwhile.

Bulldog/Father Christmas sat on his throne with Aunt Suzy/Elf handing him the presents she withdrew from the big red bag. He wore the suit and the kutte as if it was his every day clothes. The older kids obviously knew who he was but they played along by calling out questions about the club at the North Pole. Especially Duncan, he was having fun teasing his grandfather.

When Ash and Nix’s names were called Hawk carried them to the front and set them on Bulldog’s lap. Both boys immediately reached for his beard and pulled. I rushed up and gently loosened their fingers and waved a finger at them, saying no several times.

“Give them something to hold, quick.” I said to Aunt Suzy.

They were quickly given their presents and had their photo taken with Father Christmas and the elf before we picked them up and took them back to our table. We strapped them into their bouncy chairs and helped them to unwrap their toys which kept them interested. They each had a set of chewy keys on a ring that they could hold on to easily.

It was time for me to slip away to get dressed.

Nodding at River and my girls I reached up and kissed Hawk’s cheek.

“I’m going to go fix my hair and face before we do the thing.” I whispered and he grinned at me and winked.

“See you soon, baby.” He whispered.

I slipped away with River, Linda, Nadja, Grace and the surprise of the day, Noe.

As we walked upstairs I took the opportunity to ask about Rider.
