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“I suggest you keep a sharp eye on that one, Skel. Something about her feels off.” He warned.

“I know. I’ll be watching.” He promised, punched his shoulder and moved away.

Finally Chris let him know they were ready to serve lunch and he whistled sharply and beckoned the prospects over. They helped the women to lay the platters out on the food tables. There was so much he knew no one would be going home hungry. In fact there would be left overs for snacks tomorrow.

Bulldog had changed out of the fat man suit and came to stand with him as everyone settled at their tables. Hawk nodded at him to take the lead.

Pulling his knife from his side he rapped the haft against the steel around the veranda. It rang out and everyone’s attention turned towards them.

Silence fell.

Clearing his throat he still didn’t know what he was going to say.

And then he didn’t think about it because the words came naturally.

“When my wife…” Laughter rang out and he grinned and tried again. “When my wife convinced me we had to celebrate Christmas as a club I didn’t think it would be this.” He waved a hand around to indicate the decorations and food. “I thought we’d be having the usual braai and spend the day having beers around the pool. I was wrong.”

In his head he had a list of who to thank.

“The Iron Dogz women went to a lot of trouble to give us the perfect day, a perfect Christmas. From the amazing decorations to Father Christmas and his elf and the food, they took care of it all. Our thanks go to Chris, Genna, Frieda and their helpers for the feast they’ve prepared for us. We thank DC, River, Snow and their helpers for the Christmas tree, the lights and the pretty tables. My wife and I thank River for decorating the gazebo and for everything she did to make this day special for us. I want to say a special thank you to Kid and Noe who came all the way from Cape Town to share this day with us. We truly appreciate you being with us today.” He grinned as his cousin Spider made a face at him and tapped his chest.

“And before Spider has a heart attack because he hasn’t been mentioned yet, let me get to it. Our thanks go to Spider and Dizzy for helping the ladies and being here with us today. We missed you bastards.”

He turned to face his wife, his old lady.

“It’s tradition for the groom to make a speech. I don’t have much to say except to thank everyone who had a hand in making our day special. My wife and I appreciate everything you’ve done and are still doing to make it a day to remember.”

He bit his lip as he met his little bird’s black eyes.

“The first time I saw you, my little bird, you pissed me off. It didn’t last very long. I became fascinated by this little bird who wasn’t scared of me. You faced me head on and challenged me. I was a man who was used to getting what I wanted when I wanted it. But not you, baby. You made me work for it. And while doing so you made me a better man and a better President for my club. Without even trying you captivated me with your strength, your resilience, your loyalty, your heart and your love for your family and friends. Your light calls to me. Your dark calls to me. They perfectly match the light and dark in me. You were made for me as I was made for you. I am yours, little bird, eternally.”

With that he lifted the glass of champagne Bulldog handed him and lifted it high.

“Let’s drink to my old lady, my wife and the mother of my sons.”

Everyone lifted their glasses with howls and shouts and drank to his toast.

His part was done and he could now spend the rest of the day next to his woman.

Bulldog stepped up as he walked over to his wife and sat down next to her.

“Chris has ordered me to say that we will be doing this in an orderly manner. No rushing the food tables and acting like hungry dogs.” He laughed and shrugged. “Which we are. So let’s give the ladies a chance to get the kids and themselves sorted before we descend on those tables like the ravenous animals we are.”

Hawk watched as Bulldog looked around at the people they had sitting at their tables. He knew what he saw. Who he saw.

He saw the new Iron Dogz MC, a group of brothers and their women who had survived the fires of hell and emerged forever changed but victorious.

His uncle raised a fist in the air and waited.

He didn’t have to wait long.

Hawk and all the brothers immediately stood and raised their fists as well.

“Iron Dogz forever. Forever Iron Dogz!” He shouted.

And it echoed loudly from several throats.

“Iron Dogz forever. Forever Iron Dogz!”
