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When Bulldog walked over to his old lady the noise settled to a general hum as people talked and laughed.

He and his old lady didn’t have to join the queues at the tables because Chris and Genna brought filled plates over for them. They were being spoilt.

After lunch the tables were cleared and people started visiting and relaxing around the tables and under the trees.

He leant back in his chair and drew his old lady into his lap. He was thankful they had decided to do away with benches. He wouldn’t have been able to have her in his lap the way she was now. In the distance he could hear the shouts and laughter of the kids and some of the grownups in the pool. It was a sound that hadn’t been heard around the clubhouse in a very long time.

It settled something inside that had been restless.

He wasn’t sure what exactly that something was but he knew it had to do with his people. His brothers and their women.

They were finally relaxed and laughing again. Enjoying life.

They hadn’t had that in too long.

Their losses had changed them all. Especially Rider.

His little bird had told him what Noe had said and it was the same Kid had told him.

He would be calling Dom tomorrow to find out how his brother was doing.

His old lady kissing his neck brought him back to the present and he dipped his head to look down into her smiling dark eyes.

“I love you, my husband.” She whispered.

“I love you, my wife.” He smiled as he whispered his reply.

“Do you think it will be rude if we took our boys and went home?” She whispered.

“I don’t care if they think we’re being rude, baby. If you want to go home then we go home.” He said quietly.

She was about to speak when Aunt Suzy and Bulldog sat down across from them. His aunt grinned and put her hand over his hand on the table.

“We’re keeping the boys tonight.” She said. “I’ve already sent Devon and Damon to our place with their things so don’t even try to say no. I have everything I might need for them. You two go home and have a little honeymoon night. And don’t worry about waking up early to fetch them. Everyone is coming over to our place for left over snacks tomorrow night. Be there around five.”

Bulldog made big eyes at them.

“What she said. I’m not fighting her on this one. See you both tomorrow. Now get the hell out of here.”

He didn’t hesitate.

Holding his wife in his arms he stood, walked into the clubhouse and out the front door to her cage.

As he drove them home he held her hand in his, wanting to keep their connection.

Locking the front door behind them he carried her up to their bedroom. He laid her out on their bed then stood and looked down on the exotic flower spread out for him.

“Remember what I told you, little bird?” He asked softly.

“I do. You said you were going to make love to me in my wedding dress. I was wondering why though? Wouldn’t naked be easier?” She asked.

“You have no idea what you do to me dressed in that skirt. I’ve been watching the fabric swaying around you as you move. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, my woman, in a red skirt she wore for me. All day I’ve been imagining slowly drawing it up your legs, exposing more and more of you, until finally I get to what I want.”

As he spoke he slowly drew her legs apart but not exposing them. The skirt still covered all of her, only her tiny bare feet stuck out.

“Let’s see if the reality is as hot as it is in my imagination.”

He slowly drew the skirt up, exposing her lower legs, then her knees and finally her lower thighs. He stopped and gently moved the skirt so he could kneel between her spread legs and not on her skirt. Bending down he kissed the insides of her thighs before moving the skirt up and exposing her sweet pussy.
