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I would ask Hawk for two of the brothers to help with wrapping the trees around the entertainment area in fairy lights. He had given permission for the trees but had been adamant about the building itself.

There will be no lights attached to any of the buildings except those already there for security purposes. I understood why and hadn’t fought him on it.

All our decorating will be focused on the back of the building where the new entertainment area had been built. After the fire the area had been enlarged and an outdoor kitchen and proper bar was added under a veranda stretching the length of the building. The veranda was lockable because Beast built a wrought iron security cage around it. There were tables and benches there for rainy days or days when it was just too hot to sit out in the sun. Even though we had big umbrellas at each of the tables sometimes the sun was just too sharp and hot.

Before the fire everything used to be open air and the bar was housed in a thatched roofed lapa. The fire destroyed everything and instead of rebuilding the area had been levelled and redesigned.

We had only lost two trees, the others had been trimmed and survived, and were now looking gorgeous in their early summer foliage.

Shaking my head I drew my thoughts back to my lists and went through them one final time. Making sure I hadn’t missed anything on the decorations list or anyone on the presents list. I had two teams, the decorating team and the present wrapping team.

Tori headed up the present wrapping team with Snow, Harmony and Gail.

River, Leo, Slim and I headed up the decorating teams with the club girls.

Once I was happy I had covered all my bases I sent the lists to my printer.

I know I could have it on my phone but I liked paper. Something I could physically make a tick on. I liked being able to see and feel I had finished a job.

Closing down the program I closed my laptop and glanced to the side.

My boys were fast asleep. Holding hands.

Smiling at the sweetness I took a quick photo. Then I gently separated their hands and carried first the one then the other to their room.

It didn’t take long to extract them from their bouncy chairs and lay them in their cots. Cots that stood next to each other in the centre of the room, because they had to be close enough for the boys to be able to touch.

Like they knew instinctively where their brother was, their little hands reached out and touched through the bars.

I drew their soft blankets up over them, turned on the baby monitor and left on my tippy toes. I drew the door partly closed and turned to go into our room.

From the start we had decided to put the boys in their own room which was right next door to ours. Hawk at first wanted them in our room and I was tempted, but in the end we decided they would be safe and happy in their own room. And we had the baby monitors, and a Papa that woke at the tiniest little moan.

I ran a bath with bubbles and slid in and relaxed. I usually ran in and out the shower but tonight I needed to soak.

While lying back and letting my mind run I couldn’t stop thinking about how different my childhood had been to most other people’s. I felt sure it had played a big part in the decisions I made over the years. The cage fighting and working as the Crow had been an attempt to be seen by my dad and his club as valuable. Even though I wasn’t ever going to be a brother. Now I know I resented always being on the outside and it drove some of my worst decisions. Raj being one of them. The best one though. The best one was the night I came to pull Deena out of the Iron Dogz MC clubhouse.

That decision gave me a new life with a man who loved all of me. The Crow included.

He gave me a place beside him, a home and my boys.

Getting out after lazing in the fragrant hot water I dried off, moisturised my body and face and pulled on one of Hawk’s old tees. Picking the baby monitor up off the vanity I turned the lights off and walked into our room. Setting the monitor on my bedside table I got into bed. Lying back against the cushions I listened for my boys, that’s when I realised they weren’t alone.

I could hear him. His voice was a low soothing rumble as he spoke to his boys. I heard the soft kisses on their heads and then my heart and I smiled.

“Papa loves his boys. Sleep well you little hellions.”

I didn’t hear anything more until he walked into our room. He was in his socks and carried his boots in one hand. His eyes were on me and I smiled as I turned on my side towards him.

“How was your night of watching tits and ass?” I teased.

He shook his head with a snort as he dropped his boots, pulled off his kutte and draped it over the back of the chair. With his eyes on me he took the tie out of his hair, undid his braid and scrubbed his fingers through his hair.

“I didn’t watch the tits and ass show. Ice and I sat in the office at Iron Kisses with Jaycee going through videos to find when these bastards started turning up at the club. The same when we got to Moonlight. We were in the office with Layla and checked the videos. No tits and ass for us.”

He shook his head to loosen his hair then walked over and kissed me on the mouth.

“You smell like whisky and the road.” I whispered against his mouth.
