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“Return to my study when you are done, Matilda. I will have our agreement drawn up for your review and signature.”

A blush stained her cheeks, likely because of his continued use of her given name, as well as the knowledge of what the agreement would say.

“Very well, my lord.”

“Arthur,” he corrected.

“Arthur.” The way she said his name, soft, almost dreamy, gave his stomach a little tumble of excitement. Oh, this would be fun.

He watched her go up the stairs, unable to keep his eyes off her bottom as it swayed with the feminine move of her hips. Only when she was gone from his sight did he return to his study. He had a lengthy agreement to pen.

* * *

“Aunt Florence?”Matilda entered her aunt’s bedchamber and found her propped up in bed, a bowl of broth on a tray on her lap. She looked better, despite her reddened nose.

“Come in, Mattie dear.” Florence held her hand out to Matilda, who came over to the bed. She curled her fingers around her aunt’s and gave her hand a squeeze.

Matilda perched on the edge of the large bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. I’ve got a nice bed warmer under my feet and it’s pleasantly warm here. The maid said his lordship set aside the warmest room for me. Can you believe that? I thought he might be rather rude given the letter we received this afternoon, but I think he’s far more pleasant than I expected. Perhaps the notice we received was sent in error. What do you think, Mattie?”

“I think… he’s arrogant, but he does seem to have streaks of kindness.” She thought of his offering the doctor food and a place to stay. Then she thought about the devil’s bargain she’d agreed to. “However, I fear that letter was not sent in error.”

“Oh dear…”

“Don’t worry. I am… negotiating for more time.”

“Well, that’s something,” her aunt said gently. “Perhaps we ought to give Lord Castleton the benefit of the doubt. It must be quite a burden to suddenly have this estate to deal with. I imagine he has a lot on his mind.”

I think he has me on his mind,Matilda almost said aloud.

“You should go to bed, dear. It’s been a long day and we should enjoy these rooms while we can.”

Matilda couldn’t agree with her aunt more. At the cottage, she and her aunt shared a bedchamber with a narrow bed on either side of the room. Tonight, she would have a large bed to herself, unless Lord Castleton insisted on starting their agreement right away. Part of her wanted to start tonight. Despite the guilt she felt at letting herself be used this way, she wished to experience what he promised and hopefully remove her fear of the unknown in such intimate matters.

“Good night, aunt,” she said and kissed her aunt’s forehead before she left. At least she had no added worries about her aunt’s health for now. Florence was in a far better environment in which to recover.

Matilda made the long walk back to the earl’s study downstairs and knocked on the door with a shaky hand.


She slipped into the study and stood in front of Arthur’s desk. He rose from his chair and slid a sheet of paper on the desk toward her.

“Read this, all of it. Take your time. Sign on the line above where I’ve written your name.”

She swallowed hard and took the paper so she could read the agreement line by line. It was lengthy, but straightforward. He defined the word companionship as “activities agreed upon by both parties.” Nowhere did he mention a bed or carnal acts, but she knew what she was consenting to and would never claim otherwise.

“I won’t agree to anything that will hurt or degrade me. Can you add that?” she asked bravely. She would not allow, even if it meant she would be cast out into the snow this very night.

Arthur took the agreement back and carefully added the words she wanted, and then he came around the desk and held out his palm to her. She placed her hand in his, not sure what he meant to do. But he simply held her hand.

“I may have a black heart, but even villains have their pride. I would be a poor lover if you could not enjoy yourself in my bed, and being a poor lover would prick my pride far too much.” His thumb made slow, soothing circles on her palm, and her eyes were held in trance by his. “There may be some discomfort when we first come together, but it won’t hurt again after that first time.”

“When do you…when do we start this…?” She glanced to the paper on his desk.

“I suppose that tomorrow evening is soon enough,” he said.

“Tomorrow?” She wasn’t sure why that made her even more anxious.
