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“With you? Always.” She laughed as Andrew swept her into the current of swirling dancers.

* * *

Arthur heldhis daughter Emma in his arms, taking in the sweet scent of her. She let out a tiny sigh and snuggled deeper into his embrace. Then, with the regret all parents feel, he laid her down on her bed to let her sleep while Matilda tucked the blankets up to her tiny chin.

“She’s not allowed to grow a day older,” Arthur said defiantly. His wife leaned against his side as they stared down at their daughter.

“She will grow up though, darling. It’s what they do.”

Arthur pulled his wife into his embrace when her voice trembled with the same bittersweet ache he felt inside. That was the thing about being a parent. He loved his children and wanted them to be this small and sweet forever, but he also longed to know what their futures might hold and who they would become as adults.

He turned his attention toward the crib where their son, little Robbie, lay sleeping peacefully. At least he was still a babe, but he too would grow up.

“Let’s have another,” Arthur whispered in the darkened nursery.

Matilda stroked her fingertips over his cheek and traced the line of his jaw. Her eyes glowed in the pale milky light reflecting off the snow outside.

“I can’t believe that you, such awickedseducer, could be so obsessed with having babies.”

He leaned in to kiss her, knowing just how to make his lovely, intelligent and passionate wife moan with longing.

“I think my favorite part is themakingof them.” He waggled his eyebrows and Matilda laughed.

“You are incorrigible.” She took his hand and led him out of the nursery and down the corridor to their bedchamber. All thoughts of their guests and the Christmas ball were forgotten.

They’d spent so many nights like this, yet he treasured each and every one. Five Christmases ago, he had learned that his wife was the most wonderful gift he could ever receive. Matilda had saved his soul and stolen his heart, and all he had to do was follow the starlight she cast as she guided him home.
