Page 20 of Undeniable

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Kennedy’s expression flattened in disbelief and I heard a deep voice ask, “What’s been longer?”

That was something I would not be explaining to my brother, not for love or money or anything I could name in the universe.

“Underwear shopping,” Kennedy supplied quickly and Steve’s hands shot up in a gesture of surrender. That was the best way to get him off a sensitive topic in a hurry: make him uncomfortable. “She’s long overdue to go underwear shopping. We’re planning a trip–maybe all the way to the city.” Her little fib grew.

“Thanks for dinner, Kenny.” Adam appeared in the doorway with a sleepy little T in his arms, her belly full of bread and milk. Something in my belly somersaulted, watching the way the big man handled the little girl with such gentleness. “Suppose I should head home. Got another long shift tomorrow–it’s good news, though. We brought on a new guy; seems to be a good fit. Might not have to work my tail off anymore, although the overtime pay hasn’t hurt my feelings.”

Adam handed Teagan off to Steve and stood there uncertainly for a moment. Then he pressed his lips together, gave me a tight nod and headed down the hallway. I don’t know why my feet took me after him, damn them, but they did. All the way down the hallway, through the entryway and the front door, to the front porch where he’d paused for whatever reason.

Was it my imagination, or had he been uncomfortable around me ever since the day he’d stitched me up in his kitchen?

“Did I do something?”

Shit, did I say that?

Adam’s whole body tensed. I could see it in the way his jaw tightened.

“Why do you ask that?”

“I’m sorry if I was inappropriate the other day and made things weird. I’m not very good at normal human interactions these days.”

“You’re fine, Madelyn.”

Madelyn, not Mad or Mads.That drew me up short.

“Ok, well…” What was I supposed to say? I was making this uncomfortable again.

He reached across the small space and tucked my hair behind my ear, though he looked like it caused him physical pain to do it. It made a jolt run through me, the first time I felt like he’d touched me intentionally when he didn’t have to.

“But, um…” My mouth was as dry as a cotton field. “Dinner stands. Let me know when you’re free.” I tapped lightly against my forehead, where he’d done a good job of sewing me up.

“Sunday.” His voice sounded weird and he lurched suddenly, his lips landing on the top of my head like he was kissing his sister. “Night, Madelyn. I’ll pick you up at six.”

Well, that was that. I stood there in a daze, watching him walk away with his hands shoved into his pockets. His posture suggested he was angry and I wondered, for the second time that night, if it was because of me.



Lucywasexperiencinganattack of zoomies when I got home that night, whirling around the house like a little terror with crazy eyes. I knew better than to get in her way when the devil grabbed her butt, because I wasn’t about to be mauled by tiny claws and razor-sharp teeth.

Dad came over unannounced, but I was glad to see him. My intentions to make the short drive to his house for a visit hadn’t exactly panned out the last couple weeks and though the last person I wanted to admit it to was myself, it was probably because I was distracted by a certain someone.

“Busy lately,” he remarked as he settled himself onto my sofa with a beer. He knew better than to drink in front of my stepmom, who had nothing nice to say about alcohol consumption of any kind. She’d been raised a Quaker and though she’d renounced the faith, my father’s Catholicism was still a little too loosey-goosey for her. Yet she attended mass with him faithfully every Sunday morning–go figure.

“Kind of.” It was all he was going to get out of me, I’d already promised myself that much. “Been hanging out with Steve a bit more lately…”Damn it, too far.

Dad’s eyebrows raised a fraction and I watched him work hard to bite down on a grin. I was like an audiobook where he was concerned: it was all out there, right in front of him, being read aloud for him whether I liked it or not, because I couldn’t find the damn mute button.

“Wouldn’t have anything to do with the VanBuren girl being back home, would it?” he asked casually, setting his bottle on the coffee table. “I heard Madelyn’s out of the Air Force and looking to settle down in the area. Anything to that rumor?”

Dad had never been much of a gossip, so the chances were good he’d heard that from my stepmother. When it came to vices, that one was hers and she treated it like it was her job, one at which she excelled. Bet she’d be getting a promotion real soon. Head busybody.

“Yeah, home.” I had to clear my throat. “Staying with Steve and Kennedy, but she just landed a job, so she’ll be looking for a house.”

“Here?” Dad’s eyebrows hadn’t settled. He could see it written all over my face.
