Page 26 of Undeniable

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Reaching for the second shot, I waited for her to do the same.

Boom, boom, boom, boom. Straight down the row through the four remaining shots, and she sucked in a gasping breath as we both grabbed for lime slices.

Oh, this was going to be bad.

There was a shout from one of the pool tables, halfway across the room, and with a lot of grumbling and muttering two of the men splintered off the group while the others reached into their pockets to settle whatever bets they’d had riding on the game.

“All yours, princess.” The voice was rough and I whipped around to see Bandana Boy standing behind me, eyeballing Madelyn with a leer.

“Fine lady,” Bandana Boy said, and I was fairly certain he’d said it to me, so I nodded. I was taller than him by quite a bit, wider in the ways that counted, and maybe he’d decided not to press his luck. Because Madelyn was worth pressing one’s luck for, and I could tell he knew that.

Madelyn racked the billiards and chose her cue, chalking it with an exaggerated care I knew meant she was starting to feel the tequila. It made her cheeks a bright pink and her eyes glassy, and I wondered how long I had before I needed to throw her over my shoulder and carry her out.

Looking over my shoulder, I caught Maria’s eye at the bar and made a slicing motion across my neck. The smirk on her face was so pronounced, I could almost hear it over all the noise in the room.

“I’ll break,” Madelyn announced confidently, leaning over to rest her elbows on the table and I couldn’t help it, my eyes went straight to the smooth, creamy skin exposed by the V cut into the neckline of her dress.Holy shit, I’m buzzed.I couldn’t focus on anything else and when I heard her deep chuckle, I knew I was caught.

“Beckman, you hypnotized by some of my lady parts?” She hiccupped just a little, a huge grin on her face. “No pink lace tonight, I’m afraid.”

My throat was so dry, I had no response.

“Black satin,” she announced firmly, and Bandana Boy started coughing like something was stuck in his throat. “Kenny took me shopping–told me I needed some proper sexy lady underwear.” Her face screwed up for a second. “Suppose she was right…ten-packs of cotton briefs are not very sexy.”

Bandana boy muttered something low and incomprehensible. It sounded like he had an opinion, laced with a number of curses.

“You looking for trouble, VanBuren?” I was right up in her face before I knew it.

“No.” It took her eyes a moment to focus as she laid her pool cue on the table and drew herself up. In heels she was just as tall as me, which was tall, and I crowded her right up against the table. “Because your new friend appreciated your comment about underwear more than he should have. You trying to push me or something?”

Something in her eyes went all soft and melty and she tucked her bottom lip under her teeth, at the perfect angle with the way I had her leaned back across the table.

“I’d never let a bitch play with me like that.” Bandana boy’s voice rasped out, the unpleasant noise snapping the moment I was having with Madelyn. “Woman wants it bad, friend. You gonna be man enough to give it to her, or step aside and give a real man a shot? I don’t see no ring on her finger.”

I wasn’t that guy. I didn’t get angry often, but now…now I was going to be that guy. I could see the room through a red haze and I felt my shoulders tense as I straightened and turned to face him.

The air changed behind me, the cool whoosh of movement, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Madelyn charging around the other side of the pool table.

“Don’t youevertell a woman you’ve decided she wants it,” she shouted, her arm streaking out like lightning. I watched in slow motion as her closed fist connected with his temple and he went down like a sack of potatoes, drawing startled exclamations of surprise from the guys I figured were his crew. They were already on their feet, moving toward us, and Madelyn squared up quickly.

“Looks likeyouwanted it, bitch.” She leaned down and inspected his face, then straightened and gestured to one of his guys. “He’ll be fine.”

I stood there shocked. Madelyn didn’t cow to anyone.

“What the fuck?” I muttered to myself, suddenly stone-cold sober thanks to the adrenaline buzzing through my veins.

“Never again,” Madelyn spat, marching over to the hightop and snatching her coat off the back of the chair.

Maria was headed straight for us and I grabbed my wallet, pulling out a couple bills to press into her hands. She looked worried and I muttered something to her about getting the bikers out and that I would handle Madelyn.

She was already in her coat, marching out the door and into the cold night air. I could see my breath as I shoved my way out the door after her and I caught her halfway to the truck, pulling her to a stop with my hand around her wrist.

“Never again what, Madelyn?” I asked, my heart thundering and a murderous rage hammering inside my skull.

Beautiful brown eyes lifted slowly to mine. They were filled with tears, something that weakened my knees. I couldn’t stand to see a woman cry and I watched helplessly as one drop hurtled down her cheek.

“Be the victim,” she whispered. “I’ll never let it happen again.”

