Page 32 of Undeniable

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“Sorry I didn’t check in with you, Dad.” I tried to grin but it was clear that just made him angrier.

The doorbell interrupted us, lucky for me, and I hurried to answer it so I could get away from the heavy feelings swirling around the dining room.

“Mr. and Mrs. Beckman.” I was surprised. Kennedy hadn’t mentioned inviting them. Both leaned in immediately to wrap me in a tight hug and I felt a love and acceptance from them I’d never felt from my own parents, something that startled me to realize, and I was grateful.

“We heard your parents couldn’t make it this year.” Hailey’s voice was soft and kind and I nodded tightly. She’d become a friend in the years I’d written to her since Adam was shipped home.

I hadn’t been home for many Thanksgivings since I’d joined the Air Force, and when I was home Mom and Grams tended to gang up on me.When is she going to settle down? She’s losing her prime child bearing years. Shame to let such a beautiful girl go to waste on nothing and no one.They knew I overheard every word, even if the words weren’t said to my face.

Kennedy, in her infinite wisdom, had created place cards for the table, which found me seated next to Adam. It was closer than I wanted to be; closer than was safe. I could smell the shampoo he used and the woodsy body wash that made me want to climb him like a tree and lick him all over.

“Mr. Beckman, would you say grace?” Steve asked from his seat at the head of the table, holding out a hand in either direction and while I took Mrs. Beckman’s hand easily, I took Adam’s with trepidation. His big hand was warm, his fingers curling gently around my own, and when everyone else bowed their heads and closed their eyes, he gently squeezed. It was a squeeze I felt deep in the pit of my stomach, such gentle strength, something I shouldn’t want to explore.

Adam didn’t let go of my hand when Mr. Beckman drew prayer to a close. Instead, he lowered our hands beneath the table, to rest on his leg and I could hardly breathe. After decades of idolizing the man who sat next to me, the gods had intervened and he was willingly, purposely holding my hand.

Breathe, Madelyn. Deep breaths. Easy, girl.

It was a shame, because the meal was amazing, but I could hardly eat. Adam didn’t let go of my hand, choosing instead to eat with his left hand, though I knew that wasn’t his dominant hand, and I caught Steve watching us more than once.

Teagan kept everyone entertained as she fed herself, frequently missing her mouth, and by the end of the meal there was squash in her hair, mashed potatoes on her cheeks and turkey in her lap. She made eyes at Adam the entire time, probably the only female who could do it without sending me into a homicidal rage, which wasn’t a particularly good look for me.

“Adam, would you take T for me?” Kennedy asked sweetly as she pulled Teagan from her high chair and I felt the hesitation in him as he released my hand and squeezed my knee.

“Might want to put her right in the utility sink,” Steve joked, standing and following them out of the dining room.

“Heard you bought a house,” Mr. Beckman remarked. Word tended to travel fast in small towns, but even I knew Hailey was a notorious gossip. Every letter she’d written back in response to mine was loaded with dirt on the good people of Watertown, so that when I returned it was like I’d never left.

“Out on Route Twelve,” I said slowly. “I’ve admired the place since I was a kid.”

“Oh, that one’s a looker,” Hailey said, like she already knew exactly which house I was talking about, because of course she did.

“There’s a lot of work to be done.” I sighed heavily, the gravity of what I’d gotten myself into beginning to pull down on my usual gung-ho optimism. I had no idea how or when I was going to get everything done, especially with an open-ended assignment stretching ahead of me.

“I’m pretty handy around the house,” Mr. Beckman remarked casually and Hailey’s face brightened.

“That’s true, he really is. I always tell him he should get his certification to be a general contractor. He can fix just about anything.”

“Well, if you want to make some extra money I’m sure I’ll have a million projects once I’ve had a chance to check everything.”

“Tell me you had an inspection,” Hailey said, and I winced.

“Barely. I opted to forego the inspection in order to close immediately. My realtor’s husband did the walk-through with us and pointed out a few things, but he didn’t see anything he found to be worrisome.”

Hailey made a noncommittal noise that sounded like disapproval and Mr. Beckman’s lips twisted a little.

“Heard you’re leaving soon,” he said, pulling the napkin out of his lap to set on the table. “I could take a look around while you’re away, if you’d like. Heard you and Kennedy been planning some redesign and I’d be happy to help wherever I can.”

“You’re going to let me pay you,” I insisted, and his smile was kind.

“Family discount,” he said gently, something that made my forehead wrinkle a little even as Hailey’s grin threatened to split her face.

I could hear Teagan’s delighted squeals coming from somewhere in the house and chuckled to myself. She was probably getting the bath of her life, tended to by two burly, attentive men, and I briefly entertained a very enjoyable fantasy involving Adam and a bathtub while I sat next to his parents.

It was late by the time everyone helped clean up, and Kennedy wrapped leftovers for everyone to take home. It was her thing, constantly feeding people, and I found myself with a stack of containers to slot into my ancient refrigerator.

Mr. and Mrs. Beckman left just before me, and it may have been my imagination but I thought Hailey squeezed me extra tight when she told me to “be safe, or I don’t know what we’ll do.” I had no idea what that meant and I didn’t ask for clarification, mostly because I didn’t want to get my hopes up.

I was still buzzing from the fact Adam had held my hand for the better part of forty minutes, but I hadn’t seen him since he disappeared upstairs with T.
