Page 46 of Undeniable

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There was a noise behind me as Bailey sauntered in and Madelyn chuckled when he jumped up on the bed. “You might have to share your spot, Bay.”

I scooped the dog up and set him on the floor, then pulled back the sheet and climbed in. Madelyn rolled immediately toward me, warm and soft, and the instant I had her in my arms I realized she had exactly zero pieces of clothing on.


“Yeah.” It wasn’t a question. She knew exactly what she was doing.

“Not a good idea. I’m just a guy, you know.”

She fucking snuggledcloser.

“Madelyn.” My voice was firmer. “I’m not fucking touching you right now, especially not after what you just told me. That would make me a total douchebag.”

“You’re touching me right now.” She giggled, and I had to admit she had me there.

“Technicality,” I grumbled, fighting with myself to keep my hands on the areas of her body that were safe. Problem was, I wasn’t sure therewereany safe areas.

This was such a bad idea…I sucked in a deep breath and tried to envision things that would kill the predictable reaction to all her warm, smooth skin.

Mangled limbs and injured men.

Listening to Steve talk baby talk to Kennedy…gross.

Grams grabbing my ass.

Well, that last one should have done it but it seemed more likely I was in for a night of serious discomfort. I’d already told her I wouldn’t touch her and I wouldn’t do it, damn it. Even if she pushed me. Even if it killed me, and it might.

I could feel her waiting for me to make a move and when I didn’t she shifted slowly.

“What is this, Adam?”

Hell if I knew.

“Why did you come to check on me?” Her voice was husky and she pushed up on one arm so that I knew she was hovering over me in the dark.

“Go to sleep, Madelyn.” I knew I sounded angry. “I promised I wouldn’t touch you and I won’t.”

“And if I want you to?” The woman was going to drive me insane. “Tell me why.”

I sighed heavily and squeezed her, careful to keep my hands on just the smooth skin of her back.

“You mean something to me. You always have.”

She was silent, like she was processing, and the air shifted as she lowered herself back down, resting her head on my shoulder. She sighed again, but it wasn’t a sound of discontent, and pressing her face into the side of my neck, she kissed me there and made a soft hum against my skin before she went to sleep.

When I woke, it was to someone licking me. That was weird, since Lucy was a cuddler, but she didn’t slobber all over my face.

There was a soft noise in the bed behind me and I popped one eye open, nose-to-snout with Bailey, catching him in mid-lick as his tongue shot out to drag up my nose. I made a snorting sound, startling the dog as I dragged a hand over my face and suddenly I was just conscious enough to realize how very comfortable I was. The bed was soft, the thin blanket draped over my body was keeping me just the right temperature, and…oh. That was the other reason. There was a warm, naked woman wrapped around me from behind.

I hardly dared move. Instead I lay there, trying to breathe in the scent of her skin and hair as she mumbled something against my back while she slept.

She’d thrown an arm over me and I reached carefully to take her hand in mine without waking her. I didn’t want to break the moment, to wake her and make things heavy and awkward, and when I felt her stretch and sigh behind me, I snapped my eyes closed and pretended to be asleep.

I could feel the change in her breathing and knew she was awake, and she cuddled closer for a long moment, tucking her knees up behind mine, something that made my heart hurt. I’d never received any tenderness from Madelyn because I hadn’t been looking for it. I’d denied myself, and to receive it from her even in small measures made me feel weak. She was giving me what I was supposed to give her.

Soft lips pressed a warm kiss through the back of my t-shirt and I ached in places that hadn’t known a woman’s touch for a very, very long time.

Slowly, carefully, she unwound her body from around mine and with a gentle squeeze she removed her hand from mine. I could feel the bed shift and almost passed out when she walked around the bed, completely naked, and into the bathroom.
