Page 48 of Undeniable

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“Madelyn!” she exclaimed in surprise as she eyed him up. “I had no idea you were bringing your young man with you. This is…a singular surprise.”

I had no idea what that meant, and whether it was good or bad.

I also had no idea where she’d gotten the idea I had a “young man.”

“Adam wanted to meet Mary,” I said, gritting my teeth against the name.Daniela.

“Yes, well…” She very nearly resumed her scowl. “I see no harm in that, dear. It will bode well for you with sister Emanuelle, that you have an intended. It’s not something I should tell you, but she has expressed some concern that your situation does not reflect the…well, the sacred family unit.”

Adam must not have caught that nuclear bomb of a word,intended, because he didn’t seem at all surprised, whereas I was rocked by a bolt of cold adrenaline.

Suddenly Adam was all charm and flirtation: “Sister, my sweet girl has told me wonderful things about what you’ve done for these children.” He gave her an astonishing smile that probably fried her synapses, because I was sure I smelled smoke. “I’m certain the reason she’s felt such devotion to baby Mary is a direct reflection of the love she feels these children are given, and that she wishes to continue to provide the baby with the care she’s learned from you.”

I almost gagged. He was pouring it on thick and I wasn’t sure why, unless he could sense something I couldn’t.

My sweet girl? Oh Beckman, you can call me that whenever you want.

“Well…” Sister Theresa still had a look on her face like something smelled bad. “I shouldn’t tell you this in so many words, but…” She scooted closer to Adam and laid a hand on his arm. “Sister Emanuelle runs a tight ship and she has certain standards.” She cleared her throat and her eyes darted around the room like someone was going to pop out of hiding and jump-scare her. “Madelyn will not be approved to adopt, being an unmarried woman.”

I felt all the blood drain from my head.

“I can’t adopt her because I’m notmarried?” My voice was about two octaves too high, and there was a weird look on Adam’s face.

“It’s a shame no one thought to ask us,” Adam said slowly, and his words started filtering in through a high-pitched ringing in my ears. “I don’t think Sister Emanuelle was given an understanding of the full scope of the situation.”

Sister Theresa had stepped across the room to collect the baby from her crib and, walking right past me, she deposited her in Adam’s arms.

I watched something in him melt as he looked down at her little face, and he cuddled her close like she was the most precious thing he’d ever held.

“She’s beautiful.” There was deep emotion in his voice.

Down, ovaries. Nothing to see here.

Daniela hardly squirmed, content to stare up at Adam with her huge, dark eyes, one little fist in her mouth.

“She would be believable as your child,” Sister Theresa said quietly and I must have looked up at her with astonishment or shock in my expression, because she shrugged likeJust sayin’.

“Shewill beour child,” Adam said with a fierce conviction that sank in even before I processed what his words meant.

Sister Theresa smiled a small, secret sort of smile and glanced at me. “Does that mean the two of you have plans on the horizon?”

Would everyone just stop talking in damn riddles for a second? I couldn’t get a read on what was going on, but it seemed like Adam and Sister Theresa were three chapters ahead of me, and with absolutely no questions between them about the plot twist.

“I’m sorry.” My voice was scratchy when I finally took a step toward Adam and found my voice.

“I am, too.” Adam cut in right over me. “We should have relayed our intentions to Sister Emanuelle when Madelyn filled out the application, but we had no idea it would influence the outcome–not that it should have. That’s wildly unfair to this sweet baby.” He looked down at me, his smile blinding, something in his expression that I wanted more of. Tenderness, I think.

“We would like to speak to Sister Emanuelle, to clear up any misunderstandings,” he said in a strong, firm voice and I felt like the earth was crumbling under my feet.

What are you doing?I turned my head to mouth the words so Sister Theresa couldn’t see my face.

The right thing,he mouthed back and my eyes widened in horror. He was going to solve the problem for me, sacrificing himself so I could have what I wanted.

“If you’ll follow me, I believe we’ll find her in her study,” Sister Theresa said with a smug smile on her face.

I trailed after Adam, who still held Daniela in his arms, disbelief clouding my vision and ringing in my ears. This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t the way any of it was supposed to happen.

Sister Theresa rapped gently on the door and a firm “Come in,” rang out from behind the solid wood panel. It reminded me of being called to the principal’s office when I was a young girl, an abnormal panic gripping my heart.
