Page 10 of Taught to Obey

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My cock swelled harder as I recalled the way she’d swiped her perfect pink tongue over the spoon. I had several ideas for that tongue of hers, but they would have to wait. I’d promised her a spanking and I was a man of my word.

“You were a very naughty baby girl in the restaurant, Gemma,” I said in a strict, scolding tone. “You ought to know better than to misbehave like that, especially in public.”

She lowered her head and looked adorably repentant. “Sorry, Daddy,” she murmured.

Hearing her call me Daddy for the first time caused my loins to tighten. What was occurring between us was very fast, I knew that, but I also knew it felt natural and right. Easy. As though we were meant to be together.

Love at first sight?

I pushed back a wave of guilt. Logically, I knew there wasn’t anything wrong with finding love again. I also knew Trisha wouldn’t want me to be alone forever.

I took a deep breath and pushed away thoughts of the past and focused on the mischievous baby girl who was standing in front of me like a gift from the heavens.

“Into the car with you, young lady. You’re going to get it.” I released her and opened the door, thankful that the windows were darkly tinted. We could see out just fine, but no one would be able to see us unless they pressed their face to the glass. I was also thankful I’d sprung for the extended cab version of this truck. Plenty of room back here to take a naughty girl in hand.

“Yes, Daddy.” She crawled into the truck with my assistance.

I slid in next to her, shut the door and locked it. I turned to face her and noticed she was fisting her hands in the skirt of her dress. Fidgeting nervously as she gnawed on her bottom lip and stared at me with wide anxious eyes. She also squirmed a few times, reminding me that her panties were likely soaked with her arousal.

I patted my thigh. “Place yourself over Daddy’s lap, little Gemma. You know you have a spanking coming. A quick one in the truck and then once I get you home, you’ll be getting a second, much harder one.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her lip out in a cute pout. “Two spankings? Daddy, that’s not fair!” She huffed and stomped her foot. “I’m not that naughty. I’m a good girl.”

I struggled not to smile at her antics. She was misbehaving, but she was being adorable while she did it. I didn’t know whether to tan her hide or kiss her senseless.

I reached for her hair and stroked a hand through her silken locks, and something inside me softened when she leaned into my touch with a soft sigh. “Of course you’re a good girl,” I said, “but sometimes good girls make mistakes, and when that happens, they need guidance. Correction. In your case, Gemma, I think you will benefit from a spanking.”

She looked suddenly hopeful. “Just one spanking?”

I shook my head back and forth slowly. “You’re getting a few smacks here in the back of the truck, then once we get home, I’m going to take you over my knee for a longer spanking. Maybe once I’m through reddening your bottom, you’ll think twice about misbehaving in public, won’t you, young lady?”

She stared at me for a long moment before finally uttering, “Okay, Daddy. I-I’m sorry I was naughty in the restaurant. But please don’t spank me too hard. Just a light spanking, Daddy, please please please.”

“You’ll get whatever I decide you need, young lady.” I patted my thigh again. “Now come here. Be an obedient baby girl and place yourself over Daddy’s lap.”

* * *


The quakingin my privates increased with every breath, and my whole body trembled as I placed myself over Derek’s lap.Daddy’s lap.

My heart skipped a beat.

He’d told me to call him Daddy. And for real this time, not by mistake.

He guided me farther over his lap, positioning me with my bottom lifted high. Instantly, I detected the hardness in his pants. Wow. Daddy felt huge. Tall and broad-shouldered as he was, I wasn’t surprised, but my pulse fluttered as I imagined trying to accept Daddy’s big girthy cock in my mouth or… elsewhere.

He smoothed a hand over my bottom, which was still covered by my panties and dress. He’d mentioned something earlier about my dress giving him easy access to my bottom. Did that mean he was going to lift the skirt and spank me over my panties? Or would he also pull my panties down and spank me on the bare bottom?

I shot a nervous glance at the nearest window. I’d misbehaved in public and now Daddy was going to punish me in public. Sort of.

He cupped my ass and gave it a firm squeeze, then he slowly drew the skirt upward, revealing my panty-clad bottom to his gaze. I peered over my shoulder, wanting to see his expression.

To my great embarrassment, he spread my legs wide and leaned down to stare at my crotch.

“May I touch you?” he asked.

I found myself nodding in agreement and quivering in anticipation of his touch.
