Page 30 of Taught to Obey

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“You’re going to take every inch of Daddy’s cock, aren’t you, baby girl?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I gasped out. I wanted every inch and more. I wanted all of him. His body and his heart, even his soul. I wanted to feel him coming inside me, wanted to feel his ownership. I’d never felt so possessive of a man before, but I felt possessive of Daddy. I hoped he felt the same about me.

I cried out in ecstasy when, in one quick drive, he thrust inside and filled me up completely, so fast that his scrotum slammed into my clit. He grasped my hips and I felt him tugging on the flap of my drop-seat, moving it more out of the way. I loved that he was taking me this way, as I laid over the pillows in my bed wearing my little girl jammies, my drop-seat open to expose my slick folds, his for the taking. He remained submerged in me for a while before he finally withdrew, only to slam back inside me in the next moment.

He set a fast rhythm of claiming me, his huge cock stretching me open as he thrust home repeatedly. With each rapid drive, his balls slammed heavily against my clit, priming me for another release. It hit me almost out of nowhere, and I clutched the covers and moaned as the sensation spread from my center and outward, causing my toes to curl and my knees to become weakened in the aftermath. His voice brimmed with authority. My whole body tingled and ached and hungered for more.

Daddy kept going, kept thrusting his big manhood into my center, and the sound of sticky slaps filled the room, as well as the smacking of his scrotum upon my clit. His cock swelled larger inside me, and he growled deep in his throat.

When he increased the pace of his thrusts, I fell over the edge again, crying out as another release swept over me, draining me of all energy. I fought for air as I felt the first spurt of his seed inside me. He gripped my hips harder and pounded faster, filling me up just as he’d promised.

Claiming me as his.



My heart swelledas I cradled Gemma in my arms. She sighed with contentment and her breath tickled my chest. I smoothed a hand over her head and absently played with one of her pigtails. God, she was perfect. And mine. All mine.

“You’re my girl, Gemma,” I said with my lips at her ear. “I hope you know that. You’re my girl. That means you belong to me, and you’re going to have a helluva time trying to get rid of me.” I glanced around her room and envisioned packing up all her belongings into boxes so I could move her to the ranch. It wasn’t the first time I’d thought about us living together, either.

She laced her arms around my waist and hugged me back. “I don’t want to get rid of you, silly,” she said with a short laugh. “I want to keep you, Daddy. I like having you as my Daddy. I feel safe and cherished with you, and I no longer feel lonely.”

Lonely. This word had me reeling for a few seconds. Until I’d met her, I’d been lonely. Incredibly so. It broke my heart to know she’d been just as lonely, but thankfully, we’d found one another. Her brightness outshined all my darkness, and I hoped that my comfort and acceptance helped her feel at peace with herself. Helped her realize that she was perfect and beautiful just the way she was.

I held her for what felt like hours, though when I glanced at a clock, only thirty minutes had passed. I pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, and when she didn’t shift in my embrace, I listened to her deep, steady breathing and realized she’d fallen asleep. Fallen asleep in my arms. I felt like the luckiest guy on the planet.

Instead of getting her settled under the covers, I continued holding her. I ought to have helped her clean up a little after our joining, but I could easily give her another bath after she woke up. My cock shifted at the prospect.

Two hours passed and she slept peacefully in my arms. And all the while, my heart kept swelling larger. There was no mistaking the feelings I had for her. I loved her. I’d fallen in love with her a little on the morning we’d first met, but that seed of half-love, half-infatuation had grown into something more during the past few days.

I knew in the depths of my being that I would marry this girl one day. I would marry her, and she would become my forever little girl, and I would become her forever daddy.

Finally, she started to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open, and she yawned widely. She rubbed at her face and blinked up at me, and once her eyes focused on me, she gifted me with a sweet smile.

“Good morning, Daddy. Er, good afternoon. Or is it evening?” She glanced toward the window. “I have no idea what time it is. That was the best nap ever.”

“It’s almost five o’clock,” I replied, kissing her forehead.

She blushed as she looked at me. “Daddy, I’m sticky between my thighs. I need to go, um, clean up.”

I glanced toward the master bathroom. “How about you stay here while I run you another bubble bath? I’ll be right back. We’ll try to make this one quick though. I was thinking we could order Chinese food and watch some movies together. And, if you’re still agreeable, I will spend the night here.”

Her face brightened. “That sounds perfect, Daddy! Thank you!”

I stroked my knuckles across her cheek and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. Then I hurried to the bathroom and set about preparing a bubble bath for my sweet baby girl.

* * *

We madelove slowly before bedtime that night, and I took my time kissing every inch of Gemma’s body. Her luscious breasts, down the flat expanse of her stomach, and lower still. I suckled on her clit until she writhed against my mouth and cried out her release.

I claimed her missionary-style, and God how I loved staring into her eyes as I thrust into her, loved watching the look of rapture that crossed her face as she came.

In the morning, we ate leftover Chinese food for breakfast and watched rain clouds roll across the sky. Finally, the skies opened, and it began pouring. The steady pounding of the rain hitting the roof made us both sleepy and eager to go back to bed.

So we did. We curled up under the covers and took a morning nap, followed by another round of slow lovemaking. The way Gemma kept looking at me, as if I were the center of her universe, stunned me to my very core. I could easily drown in those gorgeous dark eyes of hers.

Just before noon, she rushed into the bathroom for a quick shower. I’d already taken one and gotten dressed for the day (finally) and we had plans to enjoy a leisurely lunch at Kay’s Diner. As I waited for her to finish getting ready, I sat at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and using my phone to catch up on business for the resort.
