Page 94 of Taught to Obey

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“I know you are, little one, but Daddy still has to spank you.” His deep voice rumbled next to her ear. “I care about your health and safety very much. If you try to get out of a doctor’s appointment in the future, especially if you argue with Daddy over and over again about it, you can expect there to be severe consequences.”

She sighed against his chest and mourned the loss of his warmth when he pulled away.

“It’s time,” he said, moving to the bed. Sinking down on the mattress, he patted his thigh and gave her an expectant look. “Over Daddy’s knee, little one. Let’s get your spanking over with.”

Lexie bit her lip to still its quivering and crawled over his lap. He situated her over one knee and brought his other leg atop hers. Her mouth went dry and her heart skipped a beat when he flipped the layers of her skirt up. Tugging her stockings and panties down, he tightened his hold on her and cupped her bare bottom. His touch sent a shiver through her. She braced herself for the first smack, hoping her punishment would be over quickly, though in her heart she knew she deserved the long spanking he had promised.

Much too soon, he began her punishment.

Daddy swatted Alexa’s bottom, peppering both her cheeks with sharp, rapid slaps. After about a dozen, she reached back to shield her backside, but he pinned her hands at the small of her back and continued striking her already tender flesh. It had been months since she’d gotten a real punishment spanking, and her bottom wasn’t used to the intensity of his swats. Tears streamed down her face as the pain built, and she squirmed and thrashed over his lap, unable to hold still.

“Owie! Please stop, Daddy!”

Ignoring her pleas, he pelted the backs of her thighs. When the pain became unbearable, his hand mercifully moved higher to swat her bottom again, the fresh volley of smacks reigniting her already scorching flesh. She sobbed into the covers, gasping for air in between her cries. His hand kept falling, and she didn’t think the spanking would ever end.

“Please, Daddy!” Her voice sounded hoarse and her throat burned from the emotion welling within her. She was sorry she’d been so naughty, especially after he’d taken such good care of her after the accident.

“It was a simple follow-up appointment, Lexie, and you spent the last two weeks stomping your foot over it and giving Daddy a hard time. I’m going to make all your doctor’s appointments for you in the future and take you to them myself, and I expect you to behave like the sweet little girl I know you are.” The pace of his spanks increased, causing Alexa to howl and squirm in a desperate attempt to escape the blows.

When he finally stopped, she cried over his lap while he rubbed her tender bottom. The light spankings he’d given her during the last few weekends didn’t hold a candle to this punishment. Her shoulders shook as she released her emotion, hoping Daddy would forgive her for being so difficult, but his next words caused her sobs to deepen.

“Lexie, I want you to place two pillows in the center of the bed and lay over them.”

Ice water flowed through her veins and her stomach dropped to the floor. She’d hoped the spanking was over and longed to be enclosed in her daddy’s strong, forgiving embrace. She sniffled as she crawled off his lap and moved to comply with his command, arranging the pillows in the center of the bed. The stockings and underwear resting above her knees slowed her progress, and she paused before taking up the position on the pillows, not wishing to find out what else Daddy had planned. Her insides quivered when he stood up and began removing his belt.

“You need to lie down over the pillows, little one.”

She cupped her sore bottom through her dress and stared at the pillows as if they would bite her. A raised eyebrow from Daddy had her rushing to comply though, and she climbed over the pillows and remained still as he lifted her dress, exposing her tender backside. She clutched the covers beneath her and held her breath, listening for the sound of his folded belt whooshing through the air. She knew she’d hear it before feeling the terrible sting.

Sure enough, she detected the whooshing noise and buried her face in the bed, crying out at the moment of impact. The first few strikes fell across the center of her backside, the thick leather lashing both her cheeks. Sobs racked her body, and it took all her self-control to stay in place over the pillows when the belt crashed upon her upper thighs. She was thankful he hadn’t ordered her to count.

The lashes moved upward again and Daddy brought the belt down across her quivering bottom cheeks. She covered her face and winced with each blow. Each strike hit her like a lash of fire, over and over again as Daddy continued to mete out her punishment. She’d be reminded of this spanking each time she sat down for days and days.

The belt ceased falling and a gentle hand touched her shoulder. The bed dipped with Daddy’s weight as he sat next to her, and she peered up at him with tears streaming down her face, seeking the kindness and forgiveness she always saw in his gaze after a punishment. The look of love and concern in his eyes made her cry harder.

“Shh, little one. Your spanking is over.” He caressed her sore bottom and lifted her up in his lap, cradling her on the bed while whispering words of forgiveness in her ear. She latched onto him as her tears gradually dried up, thankful that her punishment had ended.

Daddy smelled like aftershave and laundry detergent, and she found the combination soothing as she nestled her face in the crook of his arm. He pressed a tissue to her cheeks, drying the last of her tears, and melted her with his kind smile.

“Come on, Lexie.” He patted her leg. “Let’s get your diaper on and then we’ll cuddle some more in the rocking chair.”

Alexa obediently laid on the changing mat and lifted her legs as Daddy removed her stockings and underwear. He cleaned the arousal from her privates with a baby wipe and placed a diaper beneath her bottom. Next, he sprinkled powder on her center, rubbing it into her skin with slow caresses. A sense of peace descended upon her as she gazed up him, watching as he tended to her with great care.

After he closed up her diaper, he lifted her and carried her to the rocking chair. She loved sitting on his lap in the rocking chair, even if her bottom was sore. Once seated, he cradled her in his arms and stared at her with a tenderness that made her heart dance with joy.

The sound of rain pattering on the roof prompted Alexa to glance out the window at the dark sky. She didn’t mind the bad weather though. She’d spend the whole day with Daddy inside, and that was fine with her.

“How about after lunch we watch a movie?”

She grinned, excitement swirling through her. Watching a movie meant lots of snuggle time with Daddy under a warm blanket on the couch. She couldn’t think of a better way to spend the afternoon. “That sounds great, Daddy. Um, can we watch Beauty and the Beast?”

“Are you sure that’s not too scary?”

She blew an errant strand of hair out of her face and gave him a mock pout. “It’s not scary at all, Daddy! Please can we watch it?”

He stroked her cheek and kissed her forehead. “All right, little one. Beauty and the Beast it is. I’ll even make popcorn.”

“Oh, thank you, Daddy!”

The rain fell harder, beating a trancelike rhythm on the roof as Daddy rocked Lexie. Her eyes began to feel heavy, and she fought to stay alert, not wanting to spend a minute of her special weekend with Daddy asleep, unless he was making her take a nap or go to bed for the night. As his comforting presence permeated her senses, she blinked up at him and suppressed a yawn. There was nowhere else in the universe she’d rather be than in her daddy’s strong, loving arms. He kissed her forehead again, and the heat of his lips lingered as he straightened to gaze into her eyes.

“Daddy loves you very much, little one. You’ll always be my sweet little Lexie.”

* * *
