Page 20 of Creed's Honor

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Kobra shrugged his shoulders and didn’t say another word. He just turned, opened the door, and left.



Decisions. I was normally good at making them. I normally knew by my gut what to do, but this one was harder. Wrench rode in the day after Hades birthday. He and I had history from before my time as a biker when I was just a street kid with money.

Wrench was the one who had encouraged me to join the club, though he wasn’t counting on me prospecting to Hades’ Mother Chapter. Wrench had just offered me a chance to be his VP. I knew there was no chance in hell I’d get a shot at that position in the Mother Chapter. After all, Kobra was a good fucking VP.

It was a promotion. All week I’d debated about going or not. Weighed it up and knew I’d lose her, but I couldn’t be the man she needed if I was the guy at her father’s table, someone he had little respect for.

So here I was at the table with Hades, his eyes on me, and I was sure he had heard of Wrench’s offer to me. I knew there would be some code or something when it came to Hades’ table members. Which I was, but I didn’t have his respect. He knew I could keep shit in line. That was the reason I had the enforcer position.

“Taking the offer.” I finally said it and looked him in the eye.

Hades’ gaze remained on me, and I waited for a reaction. Finally, he nodded his head. “Was expecting as much.” He looked slightly regretful about it. “Wrench is a good president. Learning from him is a smart move.”

I nodded my head. I knew that too, but it didn’t make the knot in my stomach any less painful.

“Guessing yer riding out tonight with them,”

I nodded my head.

Hades stood up, extending a hand. “Then ride safe, brother.” That was the first time Hades had called me brother and didn’t look at me like I was a cockroach. I shook his hand, then turned to leave, realising I wouldn’t be coming back into this boardroom as a table member again.

“Tell her.” Hades’ words made me freeze. “Don’t just ride out, leaving her wondering.”

I didn’t turn around or say anything. But I did nod my head. The truth was, telling Holly hadn’t stopped rolling through my head, and it was the last thing I wanted to do. But I wasn’t a coward. I wasn’t just going to ride out tonight and not tell the woman I loved that I was leaving.

But I wasn’t ready to do it yet. I had all day, right? We weren’t riding out till nine. Fuck. I was saying I wasn’t a coward, but I felt like one because leaving her after she had just let me in seemed like a coward move.



Family dinners weren’t usually a thing during the week, especially on a Friday. Normally, Dad would be at the club, and Kobra was always at the club, apart from Sunday family dinner. However, tonight they were both eating with us girls.

It was the tense and quietness in the air I didn’t understand.

I glanced at Kobra, whose eyes were on Dad, then I looked at Dad, and he was looking at me—giving me a forced smile.

“Okay, what is going on?” I asked while Mum and Ivy were pretending like nothing was wrong with them. I opened my mouth, ready to apply pressure to get an answer when the doorbell rang. And no one moved to answer it. “Okay then, I’ll get the door.” I rolled my eyes, putting the napkin beside my plate and walking away from the table.

It was nearly nine at night. Who would be coming here? I opened the front door, and my eyes lit up when I saw the Chevy parked in the drive.

“Oh, my God, you finished it!” I said with excitement as I rushed down the steps towards Creed and the completed muscle car, which he had been working on since he arrived here.

Creed’s gaze ripped from the car and over to me.

“So you came to take me for a drive?” I moved towards the passenger door. “You are saving me from the twilight zone in there.” I was going to explain more about my brother’s and father’s weird mood when Creed didn’t move. My eyebrows knitted together. “You okay, Creed?”

It only occurred to me now that he hadn’t said one word to me.

I closed the passenger door and walked back towards him. It was dark, the lights of the Chevy had turned off automatically, and the streetlight was the only thing casting light on us.

“The Chevy’s yours,” he said and tossed me the keys. I caught them out of reflex and stared down at them. Slowly, an ice feeling went through my veins as I looked back up. “Wrench offered me a VP patch at his chapter.”

And that ice slowly got overpowered with pain as I continued to stare at him. I heard the roar of bikes coming from the clubhouse, up the side road. I turned to look up the driveway, seeing Creed’s bike at the end.
