Page 25 of Creed's Honor

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Lounging on the couch with Ollie had been my plan until Ollie insisted on seeing Dad.

After she threw a tantrum, I gave in and went to the clubhouse. The little blonde minx ran right into Dad’s arms as soon as I opened the clubhouse door.

Now she was sitting on his lap as he played poker, and I was at the bar. Dad didn’t complain even though Ollie kept telling Kobra Dad’s cards. Kobra loved every second of it.

It was too early to drink, and I wasn’t interested in playing poker. My eyes were on the vodka and whiskey bottles, questioning, was it too early to drink?

“Deep in thought?”

I jumped since I hadn’t heard anyone approach me. My gaze ran over Creed. Part of me was surprised he was still in town. The other part of me wondered how he was doing. It was those intense, smouldering grey eyes that were locked on me that caused me to shift uncomfortably on the bar stool.

Creed Winston always could do crazy things to me. He made me feel emotions that I knew no other male could ever do. I would never fall fearlessly in love with another man as I had with him. Nor would a man ever be able to send my heart into shattering glass pieces—as he had. In some ways, Creed Winston had ruined all men for me because I was scared to love and scared of the loss that was sure to follow that loving feeling.

I forced a smile. “Just trying to weigh up if it is too early to drink.” I was honest with him and my thoughts. I watched as he allowed his gaze to travel over me, and when he looked me in the eyes again—I swear it was like he was looking at me with this longing lost look, which made completely no sense because he left me. And those three words,he left me, played over and over in my head, which resulted in my expression hardening on him.

He nodded his head but didn’t say anything. What was there to say? Sure, I wanted to know how he had been, but the fact was that when I thought we were heading into a future together, he chose the patch. When it came down to it, I was angry with myself. Mad that I thought Creed was different. But mainly furious with myself for thinking I would ever be enough for a man like him.

“So, I heard you got a job at the local hospital?” Creed questioned and didn’t just turn to leave like I was hoping. But my stomach didn’t painfully twist until he pulled the stool out beside me.

Fuck me. Great. We were going to have a conversation. Just be nice, Holly.

“Yeah, I did, in the emergency department,” I answered.

Why was he doing this! He knew I didn’t want to speak with him! Sure, I had put up a shield last night that I was “okay” with him. But I wasn’t. Not really. Not deep down. And right now, having a conversation with him wasn’t what I wanted.

He picked up a beer coaster and started flipping it around the edge, clearly nervous as shown by his fidgeting.

I sighed. Okay. I had to do it.

“How’s the president patch?” I asked, and I was legit surprised that the bitterness I felt inside did not leak into my tone. Even the small fake smile on my face would have made everyone think I was fine, including Creed.

His eyes went to mine.

“It is what it is,” he said and didn’t give any detail whatsoever on how he found being a president.

“Well, as long as you’re happy.” This time, the bitterness did creep into my tone, which frustrated me. I ran my fingers through my hair, all while trying to think of an excuse to leave.

“I missed you, Holly.” His words caused me to look back at him.

I just stared at him for a moment. The replies I could have said ran through my head. Instead of voicing one of them, I decided I should just get up and leave.

“So, are you going to keep giving me those killer cat eyes, or you going to just let me have it?” Creed said while staring at the beer coaster before looking me in the eyes. “Come on, darling, you and I both know you are smouldering with rage under that forced smile.”

The smile dropped from my face, and my eyes just locked on him. I couldn’t stop the glare—which caused him to crack a smirk.

“I’m not complaining, though. That little smile of yours is cute.” His eyes came back to mine. “But I don’t like seeing it forced.”

Don’t do it, Holly. Do not do it.

Creed had this way of getting in my head—really getting in my head. Like right now, his eyes were locked on mine, and my mind was running wild. Completely wild with rage. I thought I had moved on from what had happened, but staring at him right now made me question all that.

I stared at him a few more moments before I got up off the bar stool.

“Have a safe ride home, Creed.” And I didn’t glance back at him as I walked away. Ollie would be fine; she was with Dad and Kobra.
