Page 32 of Libra Dragon

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“After a great deal of discussion,” the leader of the mages said stiffly, “we have resolved that the Guild will offer, as a gesture of good faith, to leave the punishment of these prisoners in the hands of local authorities—given the extenuating circumstances,” he added, flashing a disgruntled look at Callan..”

“Most gracious,” Queen Lana said, and Callan didn’t miss the smile her grave expression was hiding. “We’re delighted we could all come to such a mutually agreeable solution... You are, of course, welcome to stay as long as you’d like—”

“That won’t be necessary,” the mage said, so quickly that it was almost rude. Queen Lana’s hidden mirth only intensified. “With all due appreciation for your hospitality, we are expected back at the Guild some time ago.”

“Safe travels, then,” Queen Lana said solemnly. And after a few more strained courtesies, the Guild representatives were gone. Callan got the distinct impression that the three of them would have run from the Throne Room if it weren’t for their need to save face. He looked up at Queen Lana, who held his gaze gravely for just a moment before an enormous grin broke out over her face.

“Iknewthat if anyone could out-talk them, it was you.”

“Thank you for your faith in me, Queen Lana.”

“Thank you for showing the Guild we’re not to be tangled with.” Her eyes were glinting. “I know how those kinds of organizations operate. If we’d given ground on this, it wouldn’t have been long before they were back with more questions. Unsanctioned magic use.” She rolled her eyes. “As if they own the concept. Now, Callan. You look like you could use about a week’s worth of sleep. Off with you.”

He hesitated for a moment, not sure whether this was the moment to ask the question that had been weighing on his mind all week. “What about Inota?”

The Queen only smiled, the expression cryptic. “I believe that’s a conversation better left until everyone concerned has gotten some rest. Now, I believe a guest room has been prepared for you.”

Callan frowned, not understanding—he had quarters high on the wall of the cavern, why had a guest room been prepared for him? But he was too tired to argue with the Queen over such a trifling matter. The closer the bed, the better. He walked down the halls of the Palace in a daze, hardly daring to believe that it was actually over. The Guild had left empty-handed, something they almost never did. He was safe. And Inota…

Inota was waiting for him in the guest room. He stopped dead in the doorway, a smile he couldn’t have stopped if he’d tried spreading across his face.

“You don’t have to do that, you know,” he said softly. She looked the way she had when they’d met, pale blonde hair in an elegant updo, full lips, slate-gray eyes. Now that he’d seen how malleable her features truly were, he understood how conscious these choices were, that they were for his benefit.

“Well, I want you to recognize me.”

“I’d recognize you no matter what,” he said softly, moving closer to her. “I’m surprised I didn’t recognize you around the university. I could feel you, though. I knew you hadn’t gone far.”


“Because you’re my soulmate, of course.” How many times was he going to have to say that before she believed him? The shock on her face sent her eyes flickering, and he watched with fascination as they shifted colors a dozen times before returning to gray.

“You still think that’s true?” Inota said, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Even knowing—who I am? What I am?”

“It’s not about what I think, it’s about what’s true. I love you. I’ve loved you since we met, I’ve loved every version of you you’ve shown me, I’ve loved every face I’ve seen you wear.”

“I’m not a shifter. I’m not even a human, I don’t think. I don’t know what I am.”

“Do you love me?”

“Yes,” she said, so quickly it made him catch his breath. The radiance of her smile was unbelievable. “I know that much, at least. If whatever I am is capable of having soulmates… you’re mine.”

“That’s enough for me,” he said softly, finally pulling her into his arms for the first time in what felt like forever. “That’s more than enough.”

She pulled him down to the bed with her, and when her lips found his he realized that despite not having slept for the last three days running, suddenly rest was the furthest thing from his mind. How could he think about sleeping when he finally had Inota in his arms again, the warmth of her skin against his, the urgency of her lips against his driving his hands faster as they tugged at her clothing… then he gasped in surprise as he felt the fabric disappear beneath his hands. Inota chuckled against his lips as he pulled back to look down at her, shocked to see her wearing nothing but the pendant around her neck.

“Oh, I think that’s my favorite trick yet,” he said, and her wicked grin widened. “Have you always been able to do that?”

“I wear real clothes sometimes,” she said, her fingers flying over the buttons of his shirt as she spoke. “But it’s usually easier to just…” He felt an odd shiver in the air, and glanced down to see a pair of elegant velvet gloves on Inota’s hands. They disappeared just as quickly. “It’s a good trick. I can’t turn into a dragon, though.”

“That’s alright,” he murmured, suddenly well and truly distracted by the feeling of Inota’s hands unbuttoning the fly of his pants. “I’ll do the flying for the both of us.”

How was she doing this to him, he wondered? Mere minutes ago, he’d felt like he was on the brink of physical collapse… but now, naked in bed with this woman in his arms, he felt more full of energy and life than he had in weeks. It was as though he could feel the magic that bound them crackling under his skin, mending the exhaustion that had been dogging his footsteps, sharpening his focus on the only thing that mattered to him… which was Inota’s soft skin under his fingertips, the little gasps and whimpers she uttered as his hands roamed across her most sensitive places. Were those affected by her transformation, he wondered as he slid her thighs apart and heard her gasp? Would he need to learn exactly how best to pleasure each new form she took? It was a good thing dragons had such long lifespans, he thought with a grin.

Then he was deepening the kiss and feeling her rock and grind her hips against his hand, her moans stifled against his lips. She had her arms wrapped tightly around him, her fingernails digging into his back as he drew more and more pleasure from her body, his fingers sliding deep into the slick heat of her, searching out the places that made her arch her back and cry out. He could feel she was close when she reached down to grab his wrists, gasping for breath as she pushed him onto his back and straddled his hips.

For a moment, he gazed up at her, his body burning with need as she hovered, tantalizingly close to his aching cock. She met his gaze squarely, and he caught his breath at the way her eyes were flickering, changing color over and over the way he’d thought he’d imagined, all those months ago in the library. He took hold of her hips and drew her down, feeling the heat of her body engulf him, impossibly sweet, a tidal wave of sensation that drowned out everything in the world except the sight and sound of his soulmate.

The good thing about the beds in the Palace, he reflected briefly, was that they were carved of stone… which meant they could withstand even the vigor of their lovemaking. Their rhythm quickly grew frantic, Callan’s limbs beaded with sweat as ever muscle in his body worked to keep up with Inota’s pace. Her lips were on his, scorching, sublime, and every time he thrust himself into her, he knew that the jolt of pleasure he felt was coursing through her, too. When his peak began to approach, he knew he couldn’t hold back for long—but judging from the way she was whimpering and gasping, he didn’t need to.
